قراءة كتاب Fact and Fable in Psychology

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Fact and Fable in Psychology

Fact and Fable in Psychology

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

to Psychology

50 III. Types of interest in Psychical Research: the occult interest; the psychological interest; practical applications of "psychical" investigations; the explanatory interest; the investigative interest; the anthropological interest 56 IV. The content of the problems of Psychical Research: hypnotism; subconscious activities; hallucinations; telepathy 66 V. The tendencies of Psychical Research 75 The Logic of Mental Telegraphy   Introductory 78 I. Factors of the problem: unconscious mental processes; mental community; coincidences 79 II. The statistical nature of the inquiry; the application of theory to special cases 83 III. Sources of error in the data 87 IV. The source of coincidences in the subjective interest 88 V. Résumé 93 VI. The value of the data; coincidences; experimental evidence; assumption and logical hypothesis 95 VII. The legitimacy of the telepathic hypothesis 99 VIII. Logical interpretation of the evidence 102 The Psychology of Deception   Introductory 106 I. The interpretative factor in perception; its relation to sense-deceptions 106 II. The rôle of the conjurer; the comprehension of conjuring tricks dependent upon a knowledge of technical detail; illustrations; conjuring deceptions as imitations of the conditions of real experience 111 III. The subjective factors in deception: suggestion, expectation, misdirection of the attention; the setting of a trick; illustrations 118 IV. The subjective attitude and prepossession as a factor in deception; illustrated by the phenomena of Spiritualism; experimental proof of the influence of the belief-attitude; extreme instances of prepossession 125 V. Mental contagion 132 VI. Résumé; the safeguards against deception 134 The Psychology of Spiritualism I. Origin of modern Spiritualism; a survey of typical manifestations; report of the Seybert Commission; reports of other observers 137 II. The belief in Spiritualism psychologically interpreted; the technical requisites for a judgment in the matter; the investigations of Messrs. Hodgson and Davey; the psychological factors contributory to deception 147 III. The logical status of Spiritualism 159 IV. The source of the belief in spirit-agency; its anthropological bearings; the appeal to unfortunate predispositions; the moral aversion to Spiritualism 166 Hypnotism and its Antecedents   Introductory
