قراءة كتاب Notes and Queries, Number 23, April 6, 1850

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
Notes and Queries, Number 23, April 6, 1850

Notes and Queries, Number 23, April 6, 1850

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 1



"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.

No. 23. SATURDAY, APRIL 6. 1850. Price Threepence.
Stamped Edition 4d.


NOTES:— Page
Periplus of Hanno, by R.T. Hampson 361
Pope Vindicated 362
The Supper of the Lorde 362
Folk Lore:—Palm Sunday Wind—Curious Symbolical Custom—The Wild Huntsman 363
On Authors and Books, No. VI, by Bolton Corney 363
Nicholas Breton's Crossing of Proverbs, by J.P. Collier 364
Sword called Curtana, by E.F. Rimbault, LL.D. 364
Is the Dombec the Domesday of Alfred? by George Munford 365
Minor Queries:—Wickliffite Versions of the Scriptures—Gloves—Law Courts at St. Alban's—Milton Pedigree—Sapcote Motto—Scala Coeli, &c. 366
The Arabic Numerals and Cipher 367
Replies to Minor Queries, by Sir W.C. Trevelyan 368
Derivation of "News" 369
Replies to Minor Queries:—Swot—Pokership—Vox Populi—Living Dog better than dead Lion—Curious Monumental Brasses—Chapels—Forthlot—Loscop— Smelling of the Lamp—Anglo-Saxon MS. of Orosius—Golden Frog—Sword of Charles I.—John Bull—Vertue MSS.—Lines attributed to Tom Brown, &c. 369
Epigram by La Monnoye—Spur Money—Minimum de Malls—Epigram on Louis XIV.—Macaulay's Young Levite—St. Martin's Lane—Charles Deering, M.D. 373
Notes on Books, Sales, Catalogues, &c. 375
Books and Odd Volumes wanted 375
Notices to Correspondents 375
Advertisements 376


I am not sufficiently Quixotic to attempt a defence of the Carthaginians on the western coast of Africa, or any where else, but I submit that the accusation brought against them by Mr. S. Bannister, formerly Attorney-General of New South Wales, is not sustained by the only record we possess of Hanno's colonising expedition. That gentleman, in his learned Records of British Enterprise beyond Sea, just published, says, in a note, p. xlvii.:—

"The first nomade tribe they reached was friendly, and furnished Hanno with interpreters. At length they discovered a nation whose language was unknown to the interpreters. These strangers they attempted to seize; and, upon their resistance, they took three of the women, whom they put to death, and carried their skins to Carthage" (Geogr. Græci Minores, Paris, 1826, p. 115.).

Hanno obtained interpreters from a people who dwelt on the banks of a large river, called the Lixus, and supposed to be the modern St. Cyprian. Having sailed thence for several days, and touched at different places, planting a colony in one of them, he came to a mountainous country inhabited by savages, who wore skins of wild beasts, δερματα θηρεια ενημμενων. At a distance of twelve days' sail he came to some Ethiopians, who could not endure the Carthaginians, and who spoke unintelligibly even to the Lixite interpreters. These are the people whose women, Mr. Bannister says, they killed. Hanno sailed from this inhospitable coast fifteen days, and came to a gulf which he calls Νοτου Κερα, or South Horn.

"Here," says the Dr. Hawkesworth, of Carthage, "in the gulf, was an island, like the former, containing a lake, and in this another island, full of wild men; but the women were much more numerous, with hairy bodies (δασειαι τοισ σωμασιν), whom the interpreters called γοριλλασ. We pursued the men, who, flying to precipices, defended themselves with stones, and could not be taken. Three women, who bit and scratched their leaders, would not follow them. Having killed them, we brought their
