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قراءة كتاب The New McGuffey First Reader

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The New McGuffey First Reader

The New McGuffey First Reader

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6

id="id00554">Violets sweet, violets sweet!
Who will buy my violets sweet?
Violets sweet, violets sweet!
I will buy your violets sweet.


vine bush wild grow

See this funny little tree!

What kind of tree is it?

It is not a tree, it is a vine.

It is not so tall as some trees.

It looks like a wild rose vine.

Will it have roses on it?

Yes, I think some roses will grow on it; but I am not sure.

Wild roses come in June.

Some of them are very sweet.

My roses are not wild.

They do not grow on a vine.

They grow on a bush.

A bush looks like a little tree.

v vine very have give v


went came would down street sell

Little Henry went to school this morning.

All the children were glad to see him as he came down the street.

He is a funny little boy, and I am sure you would like him.

He says he will grow very fast and soon be a man.

He likes to go to school.



One day Henry took a pail with him and went up the hill.

Do you think he went to get a pail of water? I do not think so.

He went to find violets and wild flowers in the woods.

After a little he came down; but he would not let me look in his pail.

He would not tell me how many flowers were in it.

"Who will buy my wild roses?" he said. "Who will buy my sweet violets?

I came down the street to sell my flowers. But now I must say they do not sell very well."

w went well wild would way w


sun sunflower know

Do you know the name of this big yellow flower?

What kind of flower is it?

Oh, I know.

It is a sunflower.

Does it look like the sun?

It likes the sun.

Do you know what sunflowers are good for?

Yes, they are good to look at.

If you will go to the field on the hill, you may see many of them.

They are not sweet flowers, like your violets and some others.

If you will give me one of your pretty roses, you may have all the sunflowers I can find.

I like roses and sweet violets.

I like to see big, yellow sunflowers, too; but I do not care to take them home with me. Do you?

y you yes yellow y


try from for about

Come here, Henry, and sit by me at the table.

Your mother has gone out to buy a new book for you.

She says you must learn to read.

I am sure you will try to learn.

Then you can read about the pretty birds, and the tall sunflowers, and good children at school.

Soon you may take your book to school.

See this picture, Henry.

It is a picture of a little bird.

I think it is a yellow bird.

The bird has a pretty nest in the woods.

Would you not like to see the little ones in it?

By and by, they will come out and try to fly.

Very soon you may see them as they fly from bush to bush.

y by try fly my buy y



I have a book.
I learn to read in it.
I can write my name.


bee busy buzz sing work

We fly about from flower to flower.

We sing as we work.

Would you like to know what we sing?

We sing, "Buzz, buzz."

You will say,
        "What a funny way to sing!"

But we do not care what you say.

We are too busy to think about it.

You must not keep us from our work.

What is as busy as a bee?

All day it sings as it works,
         "Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

 How doth the little busy bee
   Improve each shining hour?
 It gathers honey all the day
  From every bud and flower.

s bees buzz busy z


A B C SONG. [musical notation omitted]

X… Y… Z, O dear me!
I can not say my A B C.


when warm walk these

One morning when the sun was warm these children went out to take a walk.

Do you know who they are?

I see May and Rose and little Lucy.

There are two other girls with them, but I do not know their names.

They took a little wagon with them, and went up the hill.

They went to the field on the hill to find some violets.

They found some sunflowers in the field, but violets do not grow there.

They saw a wild rose, but a busy bee was on it.

"Now," said Lucy, "let us go to the well and see if it has water in it."

"Yes," said one of the other girls, "the sun is too hot here. But if we go to the well, you must take care not to fall in."

"Oh, I will not fall in," said Lucy.

"I will look at the water far down in the well; but I will not fall."

The girls will go home when the sun goes down.

a warm walk water fall a


star garden sky time could

I see you, little star.

Do you see me?

I am in the garden.

My name is Lucy.

I see you far up in the sky.

How very high you are!

If you will look down, you can see me.

You can see the flowers, too.

If you would come in the day time, you could see all the children.

You could see us going to school.

But it is time for me to go in now.

Take care, little star, and do not fall

a star far garden are a


green that shade thank plant

[Missing part of page 65]

They grow in the shade.

Rose found three little yellow flowers.

They are not so pretty as the violets.

"I think that all wild flowers are pretty," said Rose.

"Well, then'" said Frank, "you may have these violets that I found.

In June I will find you some roses."

[Missing part of page 66]


been help done corn behind

These boys have been in the field all the morning.

What do you think they do in the field?

They do not go out there to play.
