قراءة كتاب A Treatise of Witchcraft
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liue, Exod. 22. 18.c but to bee executed in the same day wherein she is conuicted, and this was a custome obserued by the ancient Fathers. And Deuteronomy 18. 10.11. there is a blacke Bill set downed, and registred of sundry kinds of these slaues of Sathan, all condemned, and God addeth in the same place the reasons of this his seuere and sharpe iudgement against them. First, because they are an abhomination vnto him. Secondly, he determineth vtterly to destroy all such, and giueth his people the Israelites an example thereof in the Canaanites, whom their Land spewed out. Thirdly, for that he requireth all who belong vnto him, to be pure, vndefiled and holy, not stained with impieties, for they are bound vnto him by couenant in obedience. Fourthly such were the Heathen, strangers from God, blinded in their dark vnderstanding, without sauing knowledge, with whom the Israelites, a chosen and peculiar nation, enioying his lawes and statutes, must haue no familiarity. Further, the woman of Endor acknowledgeth herselfe to be one of the rank. 1. Sam. 28. 9. And Iesabel, mother of Iehoram, is in plaine tearmes stiled a Witch. 2. King. 9. 22. who is esupposed to haue brought this Art, and the Professors thereof into Samaria, which there continued for the space of sixe hundred yeares. Insomuch that it was rife in common speech, when any would reproach another, to doe the same in this forme; Thou art a Samaritan, and hast a Diuell (a familiar spirit) which the malicious Iewes, not abiding his heauenly and gracious doctrine, obiected to Christ Iesus our blessed Sauiour, Ioh. 8. 48. The holy Apostle reprouing the Galathians for their sudden Apostasie and back-sliding from the Gospell so powerfully preached vnto them and with so great euidence of the spirit, as though Christ had bin crucified before their eyes, doth it in no other termes than these, Who hath bewitched you? Gal. 3. 1. And afterward, Cap. 5. 20. marshalleth Witch-craft among the workes of the flesh: In both which places the names are taken from the seducements and illusions of Inchanters, who astonish the mindes, and deceiue the senses of men, and all that by vertue of a contract passed betwene them and the Diuell. Other like proofes may be added to these alledged, Leuit. 20. 6. Micah 5. 12. Nahum 3. 4. Now then when God affirmeth there be such, whose words are truth, shall man dare once to open his mouth, and contradict the most righteous?
Concerning humane witnesses, they be almost infinite; and therefore it shall be sufficient to produce some few, choyce, and selected: fThe second Councell of Constantinople held and gathered together in the Imperiall palace, of two hundred seuen and twenty learned and reuerent Bishops, nameth sundry sorts of such Sorcerers, and censureth their actions to be the damned practises of the Pagans, and decreeth all the Agents therein excommunicated from the Church and society of Christian people, adding the motiue reason of this their determined sentence, from the Apostle, 2. Cor. 6. 14. For righteousnesse hath no fellowship with vnrighteousnesse, neither is there communion of light with darknesse, nor concord with Christ and Belial, nor the beleeuer can haue part with an Infidell. And gChrysostome sharply reproueth all such, and those who aduise with them vpon any occasion, confuting the reasons which they take to be sufficient warantise of their doings. As among the rest they will pretend, Shee was a Christian woman who doth thus charme or inchant; and taketh no other but the name of God in her mouth, vseth the words of sacred Scripture. To this that holy Father replieth, Therefore she is the more to be hated, because shee hath abused and taken in vaine that great and glorious name, and professing herselfe a Christian, yet practiseth the hdamnable Arts of miscreant and vnbeleeuing Heathen. For the Diuels could speake the name of God, and neuerthelesse were still Diuels; and when they said vnto Christ, they knew who he was, the holy one of God, &c. Mar. 1. 24.25. their mouthes were stopped, he would no such witnesse, that wee should learne, not to beleeue them when they say the truth: for this is but a bait, that wee might afterward follow their lies. There is much mention made of these, both in the Ciuill and iCanon Lawes, and diuersitie of punishment alotted out for them; so that none can doubt but that there hath beene, and are such. I might remember vnto you the authority of Clemens Romanus in his Recognitions, and those Constitutions which are fathered vpon the Apostles; but their credit is not so great, that they may without exception be impannelled vpon this Iury, for they haue long since been chalenged of kinsufficiencie.
Among the Gentiles, when these so qualitied persons did swarme, and were accounted of high esteeme, there be reckoned vp whole troopes of this blacke guard of the Diuell; As lCirce whom Homer reporteth to haue turned Vlysses Companions into Wolues, Lyons, Swine, &c. by her Inchantments, insauaging and making them beast-like and furious. Medeam famous in this kinde, for she murthered by Witch-craft Glauca in the day of her marriage, who enioyed Iason her loue. Andn the Mortars of these two, wherein they stamped their Magicall drugges, were for a long time kept in a certaine mountaine, and shewed as strange monuments to those who desired a sight of them. For othe Diuel furnisheth such with powders, oyntments, hearbes, and like receipts, whereby they procure sicknesse, death, health, or worke other supernaturall effects. Of the same profession were public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@17209@[email protected]#note1p" id="tag1p"