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قراءة كتاب The Eugenic Marriage, Volume 1 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies

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‏اللغة: English
The Eugenic Marriage, Volume 1 (of 4)
A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies

The Eugenic Marriage, Volume 1 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

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Burning Clothing, how to extinguish, IV, 641.

Burns, and scalds, IV, 641.

Calomel, II, 297; how to take, II, 297.

Cancer, in women, III, 442; what every woman should know about, III, 442.

Carron oil, solution of, IV, 627.

Castor oil, II, 295; how to give dose of, II, 296.

Catarrh, acute nasal, IV, 500; symptoms of, IV, 500.

Catarrh powders, III, 458.

Cathartics, calomel, II, 295; castor oil, II, 295; citrate of magnesia, II, 298; how to give children, II, 295.

Cereals, II, 273.

Chancre, the, II, 145.

Change of life, conduct during, III, 446; the menopause, III, 443; symptoms of, III, 444.

Cheerful wife and mother, III, 400.

Chicken broth, II, 244.

Chicken-pox, IV, 606; symptoms of, IV, 607.

Child, the delicate, II, 281; diet of sick, II, 279; most helpless living thing, II, 279; rate of growth of, II, 221; sick, should be in bed, II, 277; washing mouth and eyes after birth, I, 102.

Child-Birth, I, 61; fear of, I, 111.

Children, acute intestinal diseases of, IV, 529; constipation in, II, 303; hysterical, II, 293; rheumatism in, IV, 569; temperature in, II, 217; with whom milk does not agree, IV, 535.

Cholera infantum, IV, 540.

Chlorosis, IV, 566; symptoms of, IV, 566.

Chronic Nasal catarrh, IV, 503; treatment of, IV, 504.

Circumcision, should it be advised, II, 169.

Citrate of magnesia, II, 295; how to take, II, 298.

Clap, or gonorrhea, II, 142.

Clothing, baby's, II, 214.

Coddled egg, II, 245.

Cold-pack, IV, 589.

Colds, catching, IV, 497.

Colic, IV, 544; symptoms of, IV, 545; treatment of, IV, 545.

Colitis, chronic, IV, 538.

Colon, irrigation of, IV, 587.

Colostrum, uses of, I, 108.

Condensed milk feeding, II, 227; objections to, II, 257.

Confinement, choice of physician, I, 69; convalescing after, I, 131; domestic problem following first, I, 131; how to calculate date of, I, 66; how to prepare bed for, I, 65; lacerations during, I, 116; how long woman should stay in bed after, I, 114; position and arrangement of bed for, I, 64; preparations for, I, 61; selection of a nurse, I, 70; use of anesthetics in, I, 112; what to provide for, I, 62.

Confinement chamber, presence of friends in, I, 113; presence of relatives in, I, 113.

Constipation, II, 315; abuse of cathartics and aperient waters, II, 326; always harmful, II, 321; chief cause of, II, 315; cost of, II, 317; diseases of women and, II, 320; during pregnancy, I, 84; in bottle-fed infants, II, 309; in breast-fed infants, II, 308; in girls between 16 and 20, II, 321; in children over two years old, II, 309; in infants and children, II, 303; lack of bulk in food, II, 326; lack of exercise and, II, 325; lack of water, II, 325; negligence of, II, 324; pregnancy and, II, 321; significance of, II, 305; social exigencies and, II, 319; treatment of, II, 323; treatment of obstinate, II, 311.

Consumption cure, III, 461.

Consumptives, information for and those living with, III, 421.

Contagious diseases, IV, 599; conduct and dress of nurse for, IV, 600; convalescence after, IV, 603; rules to be observed in treatment, IV, 599; what isolation means, IV, 600.

Contusion, or bruise, IV, 633.

Convulsions, IV, 577; treatment of child with, IV, 579.

Cord, cutting, the, I, 102; dressing the, II, 210.

Cough, treatment of, IV, 505; nervous or persistent, IV, 504.

Cream, for constipation in infants, II, 309.

Croup, false, IV, 506; treatment of false, IV, 507; spasmodic, IV, 507; treatment of spasmodic, IV, 507.

Deaf and dumb, I, 37.

Detention, symptoms of, II, 219; treatment of, II, 219.

Desserts, II, 273.

Diarrhœa, inflammatory, IV, 535; summer, IV, 539; symptoms of summer, IV, 540; treatment of inflammatory, IV, 537; treatment of summer, IV, 541.

Diet, of nursing mother, I, 121; of the pregnant woman, I, 77; of sick child, II, 279; for constipated child, II, 310; older children, II, 271.

Dinner, the first after labor, I, 109.

Diphtheria, IV, 610; symptoms of, IV, 611;
