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قراءة كتاب The Eugenic Marriage, Volume 1 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies

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‏اللغة: English
The Eugenic Marriage, Volume 1 (of 4)
A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies

The Eugenic Marriage, Volume 1 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

tag="{}a">108; second stage of, I, 96.

Lacerations during confinement, I, 116.

La Grippe, IV, 608; treatment of, IV, 609.

Laryngitis, acute catarrhal, IV, 506; treatment of, IV, 507.

Leucorrhea, cause of sterility, II, 201; in girls, II, 190.

Lewis, Wm. D., on education, I, 25.

Life and insurance, III, 400.

Lithia water, III, 458.

Lochia, or discharge after labor, I, 104.

Lunch, the first after labor, I, 109.

Malaria, intermittent fever, IV, 571; serum for, IV, 656; treatment of, IV, 571.

Malformation, II, 201.

Man, building a, II, 151.

Marital relations, when they are painful, III, 337; when they should be suspended, III, 337.

Marriage, and motherhood, I, 2; best age for, III, 331; certificate and vice, I, 15; certificate, utility of, I, 13; evils of early, III, 333; failures in, I, 2.

Mastitis, in infancy, IV, 553; in young girls, IV, 554.

Masturbation, or self-abuse, II, 157.

Meats, medical essentials of good, III, 393; preparation and selection of, III, 390.

Measles, IV, 616; complications in, IV, 618; Koplik's spots in, IV, 617; rules of department of health, IV, 619; symptoms of, IV, 616; treatment of, IV, 618.

Medical, letter brokers, III, 482; reliable advice, III, 486.

Medicine chest, contents of family, IV, 629.

Medicine concern run by women, III, 475.

Menstruation, II, 187; irregular, II, 187; painful, II, 193; should not be accompanied with pain, II, 189; symptoms of, II, 189; treatment for painful, II, 194; why it occurs every 28 days, II, 180.

Milk, children with whom it does not agree, IV, 535; difference between human and cows, II, 252; mixture, how to prepare, II, 259; peptonized, II, 262.

Mind, training the, III, 360.

Miscarriage, II, 202; after treatment of, II, 205; causes of, II, 203; course and symptoms of, II, 204; what to do when threatened with, II, 204; tendency to, II, 206; womb displacement in, II, 198.

Mosquitoes, regarding, IV, 572; rules of Department of Health, IV, 574.

Mother, the cheerful, III, 400; education of the, II, 277; existence of the average, III, 437; what she should know about eugenics, I, 47; what she should tell her little girl, II, 173; what she should tell her daughter, II, 173.

Motherhood, eugenics and, I, 16; function of, I, 17; preparing for, II, 187.

Mothers, eugenic clubs, I, 54; girls must not become, II, 184.

Moths, IV, 648.

Mouth, how to disinfect, IV, 601; sore, IV, 523; treatment for ulcers in, IV, 525; treatment of sore, IV, 524.

Mucous patches, and ulcers, II, 145.

Mumps, IV, 605; symptoms of, IV, 605.

Mustard bath, IV, 590.

Mustard paste, how to make, IV, 593.

Mustard pack, how to prepare and use, IV, 594.

Mutton Broth, II, 244.

Napkins, sanitary, I, 66.

Nasal discharge, chronic, IV, 502.

Nausea, during pregnancy, I, 80.

Nettle-rash, IV, 559; cause of, IV, 559; treatment of, IV, 559.

Night losses, or "wet dreams," II, 158.

Nightmare or night terrors, IV, 583; treatment of, IV, 581.

Nipples, care of, I, 121; cracked, I, 122; tender, I, 122; treatment of cracked, I, 122; what mother should know about bottle and, II, 264.

Normal salt, solution of, IV, 627.

Nose, chronic discharge of, IV, 503; complications of in syphilis, II, 146; foreign bodies in, IV, 632.

Nose-bleeds, IV, 522.

Nosophobia, or the dread of disease, III, 380.

Nursery maid, qualifications of, I, 129.

Nursing mothers, I, 121; diet of, I, 121; mastitis in, I, 122; nervous, I, 126.

Oatmeal water, for constipation in infants, II, 309.

Oat-water, II, 244.

Obstetrical outfits, ready to purchase, I, 63.

Oil injections, II, 312.

Oiled silk, IV, 594; what it is and why it is used, IV, 594.

Orange juice, II, 262; for constipation in infants, II, 309.

Organs, transplanting from dead to living, IV, 655.

Otitis, acute, IV, 556.

Ovaries, disease of, II, 199; function of,
