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قراءة كتاب The prophete Ionas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him and the right vse also of all the scripture/ and why it was written/ and what is therin to be sought/ and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it/
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

The prophete Ionas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him and the right vse also of all the scripture/ and why it was written/ and what is therin to be sought/ and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it/
Transcriber's note
The spelling and word divisions are inconsistent throughout the original. No changes have been made, but some possible typographical errors are marked with a mouse-hover like this and listed at the end of the etext.
There are no page are numbers in the original. The introduction has "The Prologe." as a running header.
¶ The prophete
Ionas / with an introducciō before teachinge to vnderstōde him and the right vse also of all the scripture / and why it was written / and what is therin to be sought / and shewenge wherewith the scripture is locked vpp that he which readeth it / can not vnderstōde it / though he studie therin neuer so moch: and agayne with what keyes it is so opened / that the reader can be stopped out with no sotilte or false doctrine of man / from the true sense and vnderstondynge therof.
W. T. vn to the Christen reader.
As ye ēvious Philistenes stopped ye welles of Abraham ād filled them vpp with erth / to put ye memoriall out of mīde / to ye entent yt they might chalenge ye grounde: even so the fleshly mīded ypocrites stoppe vpp the vaynes of life which are in ye scripture / wt the erth of theyr tradiciōs / false similitudes & lienge allegories: & yt of like zele / to make ye scripture theyr awne possessiō & marchaundice: and so shutt vpp the kingdome of heven which is Gods worde nether enterīge in thē selues nor soferinge them that wolde.
¶ The scripture hath a body with out / ād within a soule / sprite & life. It hath wt out a barke / a shell ād as it were an hard bone for ye fleshly mynded to gnaw vppon. And within it hath pith / cornell / mary & all swetnesse for Gods electe which he hath chosen to geve them his spirite / & to write his law & ye faith of his sonne in their hertes.
¶ The scripture cōteyneth .iii. thīges in it first ye law to cōdemne all flesh: secōdaryly ye Gospell / yt is to saye / promises of mercie for all yt repent & knowlege their sinnes at the preachīge of ye law & cōsent in their hertes that the law is good / & submitte them selues to be scolers to lern to kepe the lawe & to lerne to beleue ye mercie that is promised thē: & thridly the stories & liues of those scolars / both what chaunces fortuned thē / & also by what meanes their scolemaster taught thē and made them perfecte / & how he tried the true from the false.
¶ When ye ypocrites come to ye lawe / they put gloses to ād make no moare of it then of a worldly law which is satisfied with ye outwarde worke and which a turke maye also fulfill. Whē yet Gods law never ceaseth to cōdemne a man vntill it be written in his herte and vntill he kepe it naturally without cōpulsion & all other respecte saue only of pure love to God and his neyboure / as he naturally eateth whē he is an hongred / without cōpulsiō & all other respecte / saue to slake his hongre only.
¶ And whē they come to the Gospell / there they mīgle their leuen & saye / God now receaueth vs no moare to mercie / but of mercie receaueth vs to penaunce / that is to wete / holy dedes yt make them fatt belies & vs their captiues / both in soule and body. And yet they fayne theyr Idole ye Pope so mercifull / yt if thou make a litle money glister in his Balams eyes / there is nether penaunce ner purgatory ner any fastīge at all but to fle to heven as swefte as a thought and at the twinkellynge of an eye.
¶ And the liues stories and gestes of men which are cōtayned in the bible / they reade as thīges no moare perteynīge vn to thē / then a take of Robī hode / & as thīges they wott not wherto they serue / saue to fayne false discāt & iuglinge allegories / to stablish their kingdome with all. And one ye chefest & fleshliest studie they have / is to magnifie ye sayntes aboue measure & aboue ye trueth & with their poetrie to make them greater then euer God make them. And if they finde any infirmite or synne asscribed vn to ye saintes / that they excuse with all diligēce / diminushīge the glorie of ye mercie of God & robbinge wretched sinners of all theyr cōforte / & thinke therby to flater the sayntes and to obtayne their fauoure & to make speciall aduocates of thē: even as a man wold obtayne ye fauoure of wordely tirantes: as they also fayne the saintes moch moare cruell then ever was any heathē man & moare wrekefull and vengeable then ye poetes faine their godes or their furies yt torment ye soules in hell / if theyr euēs be not fasted & their images visited & saluted wyth a Pater noster (whych prayer only oure lippes be accoynted with oure hertes vnderstōdinge none at all) and worsheped wt a candell & ye offerīge of oure deuociō/ in ye place which thei haue chosen to heare ye supplicaciōs & meke peticiōs of their clientes therin.
¶ But thou reader thīke of ye law of God how yt it is all to gether spirituall / & so spirituall yt it is neuer fulfilled wt dedes or werkes / vntill they flow out of thyne herte wt as greate loue toward thy neyboure / for no deseruīge of his ye though he be thine enimie / as Christ loued ye ād did for the / for no deseruīge of thyne / but evē whē thou wast his enimie. And in ye meane time / thoroute all our infancie & childhod in Christ / tyll we be growen vpp in to perfecte men in the full knowlege of christ & full loue of christ agayne & of oure neyboures for his sake / after ye ensample of his loue to vs / rembenbir that ye fulfillynge of ye law is / a fast fayth in christes bloud coupled wt our professiō & submyttīge our selues to lerne to doo better.
¶ And of