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قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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‏اللغة: English
Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

Terraces—Tomb and Family Sepulchre—The Villa Destroyed—Conclusive Evidence—Jewels and Ornaments—Pliny's Account of a Roman Garden—Stores and Eating Houses (Page 75-81)—Restaurant—Pompeian Bill of Fare—Circe, Daughter of the Sun—Houses of Pansa and Sallust (Page 82-102)—Curious Religious Painting—General View of House—Worship of the Lares—Domesticated Serpents—Discoveries Confirm Ancient Authors—Ornamentation and Draperies—Remarkable Mansions—House of the Vestals—Surgical and other Instruments—Shop of an Apothecary—House of Holconius (Page 103-112)—Decorations of the Bed-Chambers—Perseus and Andromeda—Epigraphs and Inscriptions—Ariadne Discovered by Bacchus—General Survey of the City (Page 113-118)—Wine Merchant's Sign—Sculptor's Laboratory— House of Emperor Joseph II

17-119 Amusements. The Amphitheatre—Coliseum—84,000 Seats—The Bloody Entertainments—Examining the Wounded—Theatres—Roman Baths (Page 147-156)—Description of the Baths—Cold Baths—Warm Chambers—The Vapor Baths—Hot-Air Baths—Social Games and Sports (Page 157-162)—Domestic Games—Jugglers—Game of Cities—Gymnastic Arts—Social Entertainments (Page 163-180)—Characteristics of the Dance—Grace and Dress of the Dancers—Position at the Table—Vases and Ornaments—Food and Vegetables—Mode of Eating—Reminders of Mortality—Egyptian Music and Entertainments (Page 181-188)—Musical Instruments—Jewish Music—Beer, Palm Wine, Etc—Games and Sports of the Egyptians (Page 189-202)—Games with Dice—Games of Ball—Wrestling—Intellectual Capabilities—Hunting 120-202 Domestic Life. Occupation of Women—Bathing—Wedding Ceremonies—Children's Toys—Writing Materials—Families, Schools and Marriages—Duties of Children—Dress, Toilet and Jewelry (Page 219-232)—The Chiton—Dress Materials—Styles of Wearing Hair—Head-Dress of Women—Hair-Pins—Sunshades—Crimes and Punishments; Contracts, Deeds, Etc. (Page 233-252)—Punishments—Laws Respecting Debt—Contracts—Superstition—Cure of Diseases—Houses, Villas, Farmyards, Orchards, Gardens, Etc. (Page 253-270)—Character of the People—Construction of Houses—Plans of Villas—Irrigation—Gardens—Egyptian Wealth (Page 271-280)—Gold and Silver—Worth of Gold—Treasures—Total Value of Gold 203-280 Domestic Utensils. Writing Materials—Literature—Curious Lamps—The Candelabrum—Candelabra—Oil-Lamps—The Steelyard—Drinking Vessels—Colored Glass—Glass—Glass Vessels—Articles of Jewelry—Toilet-Boxes, Etc.—Furniture (Page 309-322)—Chairs and Stools—Bed-Room Furniture—Tables, Etc.—Pottery—Drawings on Vases—Vases (Page 323-342)—Greek Vases—Inscriptions on Vases—Historical Subjects on Vases—Uses of Vases—Vases Found in Tombs—Silver Vessels—Decorated Vases 281-342 Employment. Colored Glass Vessels—Imitation Jewels—Potters—Carpenter's Tools—Professions—Husbandry—Rise of the Nile—Agricultural Implements—Agriculture—Baking, Dyeing and Painting (Page 363-384)—Flour Mills—Bread-Baking—Dyeing—Scouring and Dyeing—Coloring Substances—Mineral Used for Dyeing—Cost of Dyeing—Cloth Manufacture—Persian Costumes 343-384 Troy. Ruins at Hissarlik—Settlement of Troy—First Settlers—Scæan Gate—Call of Menelaus—Houses at Troy—Objects Found in Houses—Silver Vases—Taking out the Treasure—Shield of the Treasure—Contents of the Treasure—Ear-Rings and Chains—Gold Buttons, Studs,
