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قراءة كتاب Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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‏اللغة: English
Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

Museum of Antiquity: A Description of Ancient Life

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4


Plan of a Roman House 28 Vestibule of a Pompeian House 30 Triclinium or Dining-room 33 Hercules Drunk. (From Pompeii) 37 Discovered Body at Pompeii 51 Ground Plan of the Suburban Villa of Diomedes 57 Wall Painting at Pompeii 69 Household Utensils 72 Restaurant. (From Wall Painting) 77 Bed and Table at Pompeii. (From Wall Painting) 78 Plan of a Triclinium 79 Head of Circe 81 Kitchen Furniture at Pompeii 84 Brooches of Gold found at Pompeii 98 Scales found at Pompeii 100 Wall Painting found at Pompeii 105 Gold Breastpins found at Pompeii 114 A Laboratory, as found in Pompeii 117 First Walls Discovered in Pompeii 118 View of the Amphitheatre at Pompeii 121 Coliseum of Rome 128 Examining the Wounded 133 Asking Pardon 135 Not Granted 135 Combats with Beasts 137 View of the Tepidarium 151 Ancient Bath Room. (As Discovered) 155 Egyptian Vases 173 Social Enjoyment of Women. (From an Ancient Painting) 205 Gold Pins 220 Shawl or Toga Pin 220 Pearl Set Pins 221 Stone Set Brooches 224 Hair Dress. (From Pompeii)
