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قراءة كتاب The Mayflower, January, 1905

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‏اللغة: English
The Mayflower, January, 1905

The Mayflower, January, 1905

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

finely illustrated, and all in all The Mayflower is the greatest help that any lover of flowers and gardening can have, keeping one abreast of the times on methods of culture, new varieties and scores of topics of general usefulness.

Knowing that The Mayflower is the greatest help any one can have in the successful cultivation of flowers and gardens we have made the price so very low that it is easily within the reach of all.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE only 25 cents for 3 years, or for 30 cents we will mail FREE The Mayflower until January 1908, and 10 fine flowering bulbs as follows:

Mayflower's Bulb Garden.

10 Splendid Summer-Flowering Bulbs for each of those who Subscribe, at a Cost of Only 5 cts. for postage.

We have made up a Collection of 10 very choice and beautiful Summer-Flowering Bulbs as sort of a premium or present to those who subscribe this season. To get these 10 Bulbs it is necessary only to send 5 cents, in addition to the subscription price (25c. for 3 years) making only 30c. to be sent to get the 10 Bulbs and The Mayflower for 3 years, or until January 1908. They are as follows:

3 Gladiolus Groff's New Hybrids, newest type
1 Montbretia Sulphurea, golden yellow
1 Chlidanthus Fragrans
1 Phadranassa
1 Mexican Gem (Milla or Bessera)
1 Mammoth Oxalis
1 Hyacinthus Candicans
1 Zephyranthus

Club Premiums to Club Raisers.

A Fine Club Premium for Every Name Sent.

The Mayflower is so good and valuable that it is a very easy matter for anyone, man, woman, or child, to get up a club among their friends and neighbors. Just think of it. The Mayflower three whole years for only 30 cents. We give the club-raiser a fine premium for every subscriber sent in. The club-raiser may elect one of the following fine Plants or Bulbs for every subscriber sent us, and same will be mailed free.

Remember also that everyone who subscribes for The Mayflower for 3 years may by sending 5 cts. more receive the 10 superb Summer-Flowering bulbs.

1 Bulb Chlidanthus Fragrans
1 " Yellow Calla
1 " New Giant Gloxinia
1 " New Giant Begonia
1 " Canna Musafolia
1 " Fancy Caladium
1 " Gloxinia Tubiflora
1 " Sauromatum Simlense
1 " Japan Lily
1 " Easter Gladiolus
1 Pkt. Seed Jubilee Phlox
1 " Multiflora Roses
1 " Mayflower Verbena
1 " Jennings Pansy
1 " Giant Petunia
1 " New Double Sweet Peas, 4 sorts
1 " Marg. Carnation New Dwarf-Extra fine
1 " Giant Emperor Asparagus
1 " Rosy Nugget Watermelon, finest sort
1 " Everbearing Bush Strawberry

Subscriptions may be sent to


Thousands of Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It.

Didn't Know I Had Kidney Trouble

I had tried so many remedies without benefit that I was about discouraged, but in a few days after taking your wonderful Swamp-Root I began to feel better.

I was out of health and run down generally; had no appetite, was dizzy and suffered with headache most of the time. I did not realize that my kidneys were the cause of my trouble, but somehow felt they might be, and I began taking Swamp-Root, as above stated. There is such a pleasant taste to Swamp-Root, and it goes right to the spot and certainly drives disease out of the system. It has cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers.

Gratefully yours,

Mrs. A. L. Walker,
21 McDaniel St., Atlanta, Ga.

WOMEN suffer untold misery because the nature of their disease is not always correctly understood; in many cases when doctoring, they are led to believe that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort is responsible for their ills, when in fact disordered kidneys are the chief cause of their distressing troubles. Perhaps you suffer almost continually with pain in the back, bearing-down feelings, headache and utter exhaustion.

Your poor health makes you nervous, irritable, and at times despondent; but thousands of just such suffering or broken-down women are being restored to health and strength every day by the use of that wonderful discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.

Why Swamp-Root Gives Strength

Not only does Swamp-Root bring new life and activity to the kidneys, the cause of the trouble, but by strengthening the kidneys it acts as a general tonic and food for the entire constitution.

The mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy, Swamp-Root, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. A trial will convince anyone—and you may have a sample bottle free by mail.

In taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that has been discovered. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.

To Prove What SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy Will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Mayflower May Have a Sample Bottle FREE by Mail.

