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قراءة كتاب The Crime of the Century; Or, The Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Crime of the Century; Or, The Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

The Crime of the Century; Or, The Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 2

the Surroundings—Iceman O'Sullivan Under Surveillance

154   CHAPTER VIII. The White Horse and Buggy—Detective Coughlin Hires It for a "Friend"—The Trouble in the Stable—Dinan Goes to Schaack—The Captain's Peculiar Movements—Scanlan Identifies the Horse—The Detective and O'Sullivan are Jailed—The Grand Jury Indicts Them with Woodruff—The Accused Arraigned in Court 195   CHAPTER IX. The Lying in State—An Impressive Scene—The Imposing Procession—At the Cathedral—An Eloquent Voice from the Pulpit—Clerical Denunciation of the Crime—Laid to Rest in Calvary Cemetery 220   CHAPTER X. The Coroner's Inquest Opens—A Model Jury—Visiting the Scene of the Tragedy—Taking the Evidence—Captain Schaack's Compromising Admissions—Prominent Clan-na-Gael Men put on the Stand—Alexander Sullivan's Threats—Luke Dillon Tells What He Knows—The Documents Left by the Murdered Man Read by the Coroner—A Sensational Inquiry 236   CHAPTER XI. Closing Scenes of the Inquest—The Verdict—Alexander Sullivan's Arrest Ordered—Midnight Visit to His Residence—His Cool Demeanor and Cheerful Acquiescence—Taken to the County Jail—Incidents of the Arrest 259   CHAPTER XII. At the Toronto End of the Conspiracy—Investigating Long's Circumstantial Stories, and His Interviews with Dr. Cronin—A Chicago Fugitive Concerned—His Suspicious Movements—A Chapter of Startling Coincidences—Long on the Rack—Makes Damaging Admissions but will not Retract—The Object to Distract Attention from the Scene of the Crime—Another Confession from Woodruff 275   CHAPTER XIII. Sullivan's Arrest Creates a Sensation—His Friends Stand by Him—The Noted ex-Irish Leader in Court—Efforts to Secure His Release—Judge Tuley Gives Him His Liberty—Arrest of Maroney and McDonald in New York—Their Extradition Refused 292   CHAPTER XIV. Officer Collin's Suspicions—Martin Burke and His Record—Fortunate Discovery of the Photograph of a Clan-na-Gael Group—The Carlsons and Others Identify Burke—His Peculiar Movements and His Flight—An Indictment against Him—The Capture in Winnipeg, when En Route to England—Stubborn Fight to Prevent His Extradition to American Soil—The Law Triumphant—A Memorable Journey Home—Preliminaries of the Trial—A Separate Trial Granted Woodruff 303   CHAPTER XV. Theories Regarding the Disappearance of the Murdered Man's Clothing—The Hand of Providence Manifests Itself—Fortunate Discovery of the Last Bloody Evidences of the Crime—Dr. Cronin's Apparel is Found—It had been Secreted, with His Case of Surgical Instruments, in a Catch-basin, Adjacent to the One in Which the Body was Discovered—Shoes, Jewelry and Purse Missing—Complete Identification by His Friends—The Search Continued—A Piece of Carpet Found—The Conspirators' Plans Thwarted 333   CHAPTER XVI. Special Grand Jury Summoned—Personnel of Its Members—Judge Shepard's Vigorous Charge—The Testimony Taken—Seventeen Days' Investigation Results in the Indictment of Seven Men—Full Text of the Indictment—Arrest of Beggs and Kunze—The Alleged Trial of Dr. Cronin in Camp 20 351   CHAPTER XVII. Public Abhorrence at the Crime—A Great Out-pouring of the People—Cosmopolitan Assemblage at Central Music Hall—A Judge's Vigorous Speech—Congressmen Denounce the Crime—The Rival Demonstrations at Cheltenham Beach and Ogden's Grove 369  
