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قراءة كتاب The Crime of the Century; Or, The Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Crime of the Century; Or, The Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

The Crime of the Century; Or, The Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

Cronin Probably Sat when Killed

161 Blood-Stained Piece of Brass 161 The Solitary Lamp 161 The Catch-basin—South View 127 The Catch-Basin, Showing Fire-plug and Ditch 129 The Discovery of the Body in the Catch-Basin 131 Alexander Sullivan's Residence 264 The Assassins' Den, Showing the Carlson Cottage In Rear 157 Diagram of the Locality of the Murder 156 Footprint Found in House 160 The Coroner's Jury 239 Jurors Examining Finger Marks in Paint on Window Blind 245 Jurors Examining Blood Stains in Parlor of Cottage 238 The White Horse and Buggy that Took Dr. Cronin Away from His Home 199 Liveryman Dinan's Stable 198 The Funeral Procession 223 Dr. Cronin's Apartments in Windsor Theatre Building 18 Dr. Cronin's Reception Room in Chicago Opera House Building 184 Dr. Cronin's Office in Chicago Opera House Building 181 Dr. Cronin's Main Office in Chicago Opera House Building 183 State's Attorney Longenecker Addressing the Court 296 Dr. Cronin's Box and Its Contents 337 The Load on the Stretcher 338 Some of Dr. Cronin's Clothes 340 Two Views of Dr. Cronin's Hat 341 Dr. Cronin's Pocket Instrument Case 342 Dr. Cronin's Sleeve Button, Comb, R. A. Button, Case, Etc. 343 Dr. Cronin's Pocket Case 345 Remains of the Murderer's Valise 346 The Silver Hypodermic Syringe Case 347 Dr. Cronin's Surgical Instrument Case 348
