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قراءة كتاب The History of Cuba, vol. 1

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‏اللغة: English
The History of Cuba, vol. 1

The History of Cuba, vol. 1

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 7

Rock Formation—Theory of Cuban Continuity with Florida—The Eocene Age—Submersion in the Oligocene Period—Miocene Uplift—Changes During the Pleistocene Period—Topography of the Island—The Mountain Ranges—The Mountains of Oriente—The Organ Mountains and Magotes—The Valley of the Vinales—Plains and Valleys—Composition of the Soil—The Climate of Cuba—Fortunate Situation of the Island—The Rainfall of a Land of Sunshine.

Chapter V 53 Neglect of Cuba by Spanish Explorers and Conquerors—Rule of Ovando—Ocampo Discovers Cuba to be an Island—First Attempts at Colonization—Enciso's Story of Ojeda's Adventure—A Test Between Christianity and Paganism—The Lust of Gold—Diego and Bartholomew Columbus—Diego Velasquez Appointed Governor—His First Settlement at Baracoa—The War with Hatuey—Narvaez and His Horsemen—Las Casas the "Apostle to the Indies"—More Trouble with the Natives—Exploration of the Island Throughout its Length. Chapter VI 68 Marriage and Bereavement of Velasquez—Other Settlements Founded in Cuba—Santiago Made the First Capital—System of Government—Apportionment of the Natives to the Settlers—Appropriation of the Land—Evils of the Repartimiento System—The Statesmanship of Velasquez—Enslavement of the Natives—Famous Men in Cuba's Early History—Gold Mines and Fertile Plantations—Beginning of the Mission of Las Casas—Death of King Ferdinand and Accession of Charles I—Cardinal Ximenes—The Order of St. Jerome—The Fate of the Natives. Chapter VII 81 Gold Mining in Cuba—Political Organization of the Island—Relations with the Spanish Crown—Development of the Slave Trade—Expeditions to Yucatan—Exploration of the Mexican Coast—Failure of Grijalva's Expedition—The Expedition of Christopher de Olid—Unmerited Fate of Grijalva, the Discoverer and First Explorer of Mexico. Chapter VIII 90 Hernando Cortez Commissioned by Velasquez to Explore Mexico—Some Romantic Adventures—Why Cortez went to Cuba—His Relations with Velasquez—A Crisis in Spain's American Affairs—Appointment of Velasquez as Adelantado—Departure of Cortez—His Refusal to Return when Summoned by Velasquez—Arrival in Mexico—Appointment of Cortez as Royal Governor of New Spain—Preparations by Velasquez to Subdue Cortez—Disastrous Fate of Narvaez's Expedition—Conspiracy to Assassinate Cortez—Velasquez Removed from the Governorship of Cuba—Zuazo, the Second Governor—Vindication of Velasquez and Repudiation of Zuazo—Character and Work of First Cuban Governor. Chapter IX 105 Administration of Manuel de Rojas—The Rise of Cuba's Proper Interests—Development of Resources—Appointment of Altamarino—Post Mortem Investigation of Velasquez—Violent Opposition to Altamarino—Removal of a Discredited Governor—Accession of Guzman—Controversies over Local Government—Injudicious Course of Guzman—Protest Against the Tyranny of the Councils—"Cuba for the Cubans." Chapter X 115 Controversies Over the Treasurership—Appointment of Hurtado, the Honest but Cantankerous—Fortunes of the Guzman Family—A Marriage for Money and its Consequences—Services of Vadillo—Investigations and Reforms—Heavy Sentences Against Guzman—An Appeal to the Council for the Indies—Manuel de Rojas again Governor. Chapter XI 122 Development of the Church Establishment in Cuba—The First Bishop—Early Conflict Between Church and State—Transfer of the Cathedral from Baracoa to Santiago—A Bishop in Politics—The Governor Excommunicated—Insurrections and Raids of the Natives—Effective Work of Rojas against the Cimarrones—Disposal of the "Tame" Indians—Further Conflicts of Church and State—Intervention of the Crown—Practical Extermination of the Natives—Reforms that Were not Made—Well Meant Efforts of Rojas—Failure of Attempts to Civilize the Natives—A Good Governor Ill Treated—His Resignation and Departure. Chapter XII 137 Guzman's Second Administration—A Masterful Politician—Decline of Cuban Welfare—An Interregnum in the Governorship—The Coming of De Soto—His Imposing Arrival at Santiago—Progress Across the Island—Vasco Porcallo de Figueroa Made De Soto's Lieutenant—Cuba a Stepping Stone to Florida—De Soto's Removal from Santiago to Havana—Organization of the Florida Expedition—Report of the First Scouts—Departure of De Soto—Lady De Soto's Faithful Watch—Tragic Fate of the Explorer—Evil Effects upon Cuba—Serious Trouble with the Indians—Intrigues of Guzman and Bishop Sarmiento. Chapter
