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قراءة كتاب The History of Cuba, vol. 1

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‏اللغة: English
The History of Cuba, vol. 1

The History of Cuba, vol. 1

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 9

an Energetic Patriot—Interest in Copper Mining.

Chapter XXII 260 Drake's Menace a Blessing to Cuba—Spanish Interest in Cuba for Its Own Sake—The Governorship of Tejada—The Public Works of Antonelli—Building Roads, Dams and Aqueducts—Havana Made a Real City—Controversy with Bishop Salcedo—Appreciation of Tejada's Services—Accession of Barrionuevo—Progress of Civilization in Cuba—The First Theatrical Performance. Chapter XXIII 267 Changes in European Nations—Rise of the Protectionist Policy—Retaliation by Smugglers—Hostilities against Spain—Prevalence of Piracy—Some Strong Governors of Cuba—Good Works of Maldonado and Valdes—Invasions by Pirates—Division of the Island—Interest in Religious Affairs—Successive Governors Working at Cross Purposes—Building a Fleet—Protection of the Port of Havana—An Attack by the Dutch—The Exploits of Oquendo—The Slave Market in Havana—Fall of Cabrera. Chapter XXIV 283 The Decline of Spain—Enterprise and Aggressions of the Dutch—The Dutch West India' Company—Governors Who Saved Cuba for Spain—Warring with Dutch Privateers—The Great Fight with Pie de Palo—Fiscal Reforms in Cuba—Gamboa's Improvement of Fortifications—Sarmiento's Organization of Cuban Troops—Ravages of a Great Pestilence—Noble Deeds of the Religious Orders—Public Works Planned—The Walls of Havana—Aggressions of the British—Conquest of Jamaica—Records of Piracy—Exploits of Lolonois—Henry Morgan—British Capture and Plundering of Santiago—Repairing the Fortifications—A Compact against Piracy. Chapter XXV 304 British Designs against Spanish Possessions—Covetous Eyes Turned upon Cuba by British Empire-Builders—Isolation of Cuba from Spain—France Playing False—Cuban Reprisals—Further Attacks by Freebooters—Controversy over British Prisoners—Disastrous Earthquakes—Ecclesiastical Troubles—Spain at the Brink of Bankruptcy—Cordova's Administration—Revised Code of Laws for the Indies—Civil and Ecclesiastical Controversies—Some Ruthless Work—Founding of the City of Matanzas—Official Disputes and Scandals. Chapter XXVI 325 The War of the Austrian Succession—The Treaty of Utrecht—Reign of Philip V—Renewed Conflicts in the West Indies—Settlement of Pensacola—Aggressions of the French—Cuban Interests Affected by European Affairs—Increased Protection of the Island—Two Local Governors—Attacks upon Charleston—Raids of British Warships—Speculation in Tobacco—More Fortifications in a Time of Peace—Churches and Convents—Sanitary Measures—Official Quarrels—Reorganization of the Tobacco Industry—Seeking Administrative Stability—A Tobacco Insurrection—A Warning to the British—Fortifications of Havana. Chapter XXVII 345 Great Impetus Given to Discovery and Exploration Throughout the World—Interesting Observations upon Cuba and the Indies—Some Quaint Records—A Description of the Natives of Cuba—Something About the Natural Resources of the Island from Ancient Authorities—Spanish and Alien Descriptions of Cuba—Early Writings About Cuba in Various Languages—Fra Vincente Fonseca—A Dutch Description of Cuba—Attention Given to the Wealth of Cuban Forests—Reasons Given for the Rise and Subsequent Decline of Spanish Power—Some Superstitions and Legends. Chapter XXVIII 360 Cuba Neglected During an Era of Great Achievements—The Golden Age of Spain—Culture at Home and Conquest Abroad—A Noteworthy Group of Spanish Historians—The University of Santo Domingo—The First American Books—Cuba's Lack of Participation in these Activities, and the Reasons for it—A Turning Point in Cuban History at the End of the Sixteenth Century—Cubans Beginning to Become Cubans and Not Spaniards—A Significant Change in the Temper and Character of the People of the Island.
