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‏اللغة: English
Let's Use Soybeans

Let's Use Soybeans

الصفحة رقم: 1

Transcriber's Note

  • The original document is typewritten on nine pages. The format of this html version attempts to replicate the look of the source by making use of a typewriter font and underlined headings, as in the original. There are also a few handwritten comments on the original document, and these have been transcribed as well, in italicized text.
  • On page 3, the word "flour" has been changed to "flower" (in a flower pot).


Let's Use Soybeans

Department of Home Economics
Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois


Soybeans and soybean products are receiving increased attention at the present time when the rationing of many of the protein-rich foods of animal origin has made us aware of the possibility of insufficient protein in our dietaries.

This interest is highly desirable, since soybeans are such a valuable source of protein of superior quality, of calcium and iron, and of at least some of the members of the vitamin B complex. Soybeans also have a high caloric value due to fat content and have a higher energy value per pound than the other more commonly used legumes, with the exception of peanuts.

Soybean products are sometimes called "diabetic foods" because they contain no starch. It should be remembered, however, that soybeans contain some soluble sugars; in all about 10 per cent or more of the weight of dry soybeans is carbohydrate which the body can utilize. Even so, this is much less than the carbohydrate content of other beans and of wheat flour.

Varieties of Soybeans

There are two general types of soybeans, the field type and the edible or vegetable type, which differ greatly in palatability. As the name implies, the edible or vegetable varieties are more satisfactory for human consumption, although a few of the field soybeans are also palatable. Some of the vegetable types which are rated "very good" are Hokkaido, Willomi, Jogun, Imperial, and Emperor. Among the field varieties that are satisfactory for edible purposes are the Illini and Manchu.


Immature soybeans are very welcome as an early fall green vegetable. Soybeans are ready for table use as soon as the pods have completely filled out and while they are still green in color. This is in late August or in September, depending on the variety, the time of planting, and the season. Not all plants of the same variety mature at the same time, but usually the maturity of pods on a single plant is sufficiently uniform to warrant pulling the entire plant. The plants can then be taken to a shady place to pick off the pods.

To make hulling easier, pour boiling water over the soybean pods and let them stand 5 minutes in the hot water. Drain, and hull by breaking the pod crosswise and squeezing out the beans. Cook as follows: To 1 pt hulled beans, add 1 c boiling water and ¾ t salt. Cover and cook for 10 minutes after the beans begin to boil. Avoid overcooking. Drain, and season with butter or in any other manner desired. Soybeans of the vegetable type should still be bright green in color after cooking, and they will have a nutty texture. They do not soften like green peas but can be used in any of the ways that green peas or green lima beans are used.


Green soybeans can be
