قراءة كتاب An Englishman's View of the Battle between the Alabama and the Kearsarge An Account of the Naval Engagement in the British Channel, on Sunday June 19th, 1864

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‏اللغة: English
An Englishman's View of the Battle between the Alabama and the Kearsarge
An Account of the Naval Engagement in the British Channel, on Sunday June 19th, 1864

An Englishman's View of the Battle between the Alabama and the Kearsarge An Account of the Naval Engagement in the British Channel, on Sunday June 19th, 1864

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 9

Kearsarge, there are only eleven (11) persons foreign born.

The following is the Surgeon’s report of casualties amongst the crew of the Kearsarge during the action:
