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قراءة كتاب Letters of Franz Liszt -- Volume 2 from Rome to the End

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‏اللغة: English
Letters of Franz Liszt -- Volume 2
from Rome to the End

Letters of Franz Liszt -- Volume 2 from Rome to the End

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 5

December 25th, 1879 255. Fran Reisenauer.Pauly in Rome. January 30th, 1880 256. Carl Klindwo1th. February 16th, 1880 257. Herrmann Scholtz. April 29th, 1880 258. Sophie Menter. May 26th, 1880 259. Jules de Zarembski. June 1st, 1880 260. Bassani. June 4th, 1880 261. Marie Lipsius. June l0th, 1880 262. Kornel von Abranyi. June 20th, 1880 263. Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen. July 28th, 1880 264. Friedrich Hofme1ster. August 17th, 1880 265. Baroness Helene Augusz. September 1st, 1880 266. Mme. Anton Rubinstein. October 24th, 1880 267. Frau Amalie von Fabry in Budapest. November 1st, 1880 268. Frau Anna Benfey-Schuppe. November 11th, 1880 269. Committee of Antwerp Musical Society. November 16th, 1880 270. Sophie Menter. December 2nd, 1880 271. Dr. Friedrich Stade. December 11th, 1880 272. S. Jadassohn. January l0th, 1881 273. Frau Reisenauer-Pauly in Konigsberg. January 29th, 1881 274. Dionys von Pazmandy. February 15th, 1881 275. Fran Colestine Bosendorfer. April 17th, 1881 276. the Committee of the Wagner-Verein. April 25th, 1881 277. Kornel von Abranyi. May 13th, 1881 278. the same. May 22nd, 1881 279. Frau Charlotte Blume-Arends. August 29th, 1881 280. Otto Lessmann. September 8th, 1881 281. Francois Auguste Gevaert in Brussels. September 19th, 1881 282. the same. October 8th, 1881 283. Edmund von Mihalovich. October 8th, 1881 284. Jules de Zarembski. December 4th, 1881 285. Camille Saint-Saens. December 6th, 1881 286. Ludwig Bosendorfer. December 8th, 1881 287. Pauline Viardot-Garcia. December 12th, 1881 288. Mme. Malwine Tardieu in Brussels. January 20th, 1882 289. Alexander Wereschagin. February 5th, 1882 290. Martha Remmert. February 20th, 1882 291. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. April 11th, 1882 292. Franz Servais. April 22nd, 1882 293. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. April 23rd, 1882 294. Otto Lessmann. April 23rd, 1882 295. Frau Charlotte Blume-Arends. April 23rd, 1882 296. Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen. April 25th, 1882 297. Frau Henriette von Liszt. May 11th, 1882 298. Camille Saint-Saens. May 14th, 1882 299. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. June 10th, 1882 300. Committee of Allgemeine Deutsche Musikverein. June, 1882 301. F. von Jagemann at Freiburg in Breisgau. July 6th, 1882 302. Nicolaus Oesterlein in Vienna. July 16th, 1882 303. Kornel von AbrAnyi. July 23rd, 1882 304. Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen. July 27th, 1882 305. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. September 12th, 1882 306. Otto Lessmann. September 16th, 1882 307. the same. September 20th, 1882 308. Frau Charlotte Blume-Arends. September 27th, 1882 309. Otto Lessmann. October 14th, 1882 310. the same. November 4th, 1882 3ll. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. November 6th, 1882 312. Otto Lessmann. November, 1882 313. Adelheid von Schorn. November 20th, 1882 314. Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen. November 24th, 1882 315. Franz Servais. November 26th, 1882 316. Adelheid von Schorn. December 8th, 1882 317. Carl Riedel. December 9th, 1882 318. Arthur Meyer in Paris. January 28th, 1883 319. Albert Fuchs. February 4th, 1883 320. Saissy in Budapest. February 6th, 1883 321. the same. February eth, 1883. 322. Rich and Mason in Toronto. 1883 323. Mme. Marie Jaell. February 12th, 1883 324. Adelheid von Schorn. February 14th, 1883 325. Otto Lessmann. February 18th, 1883 326. Lina Ramann. February 22nd, 1883 327. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. March 6th, 1883 328. Ferdinand Taborszky in Budapest. March 11th, 1883 329. Baroness M. E. Schwartz. March 22nd, 1883 330. Baroness Wrangel in St. Petersburg. May 20th, 1883 33I. Mason and Hamlin in Boston. June 12th, 1883 332. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. December 14th, 1883 333. Cäsar Cui. December 30th, 1883 334. Otto Lessmann. January 10th, 1884 335. Felix Mottl. February 8th, 1884 336. Frau Henriette von Uszt.February 8th, 1884 337. Camille Saint-Satins. April 29th, 1884 338. Otto Lessmann. May 7th, 1884 339. Camille Saint-Saëns. May 18th, 1884 340. Walter Bache, May 23rd, 1884 341. Carl Navratil in Prague. May 30th, 1884 342. Baron Friedrich Podmaniczky in Budapest, 1884 343. Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen. June 18th, 1884 344. Auguste Gotze. June 22nd, 1884 345. Kornei von Abranyi. July 1st, 1884 345A. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. August 9th, 1884 346. Rahter in Hamburg. August 28th, 1884 347. Richard Pohl. September 12th, 1884 348. Sophie Menter. September 13th, 1884 349. Baron Friedrich Podmaniczky. September 2lst, 1884 350. Walter Bache. October 18th, 1884 351. Mili Balakireff in St. Petersburg. October 2lst, 1884 352. Countess Mercy-Argenteau. October 24th, 1884 353. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. December 7th, 1884 354. Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen. December 18th, 1884 355. Camille Saint-Saens. End of 1884 or beginning of 1885 356. Countess Mercy-Argenteau. January 20th, 1885 357. Camille Saint-Saens. January 27th, 1885 358. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. April 6th, 1885 359. Lina Ramann. April 27th, 1885 360. Camille Saint-Saens. May 8th, 1885 361. Alexander Siloti. May, 1885 362. J. P. von Kiraly in Eisenstadt. June 5th, 1885 363. Ferdinand Taborszky. June 8th, 1885 364. Alfred Reisenauer. September 1st, 1885 365. Otto Lessmann. September 5th, 1885 366. Casar Cui. October 18th, 1885 367. Countess Mercy-Argenteau. October 24th, 1885 368. Eduard Reuss in Carlsruhe. November 4th, 1885 369. Breitkopf and Hartel. November, 1885 370. Walter Bache. November 17th, 1885 370A. the same. November 26th, 1885 370B. the Philharmonic Society. November 26th, 1885 371. Countess Mercy-Argenteau. November 2lst, 1885 372. Camille Saint-Sans. November 28th, 1885 373. Eugen d'Albert. December 26th, 1885 374. Sophie Menter. December 30th, 1885 375. Eduard Reuss. January l0th, 1886 376. Walter Bache. February 11th, 1886 377. Countess Mercy- Argenteau. February 17th, 1886 379. Sophie Menter. March 18th, 1886 379. Countess Mercy-Argenteau. April 14th, 1886 380. Alexander Ritter. April 24th, 1886 381. Frau Amalie von Fabry. May 27th, 1886 382. Mme. Malwine Tardieu. May 29th, 1886 383. Eduard Reuss. June 5th, 1886 384. Frau Reuss-Belce. June 5th, 1886 385. Eduard Reuss. June 22nd, 1886 386. Sophie Menter. July 3rd, 1886

Index of Supplemental Letters

387. Freiherr von Spiegel in Weimar. September 30th, 1841 388. Eugenio Gomez in Sevilla. December 27th, 1844 389. Mme.? End of December, 1844 390. Mme.? Beginning of 1845 391. Mme.? in Milan. 1846 392. Frau Charlotte Moscheles (?). June 22nd, 1848 393. Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst. May 30th, 1801 394. Josef Dessauer (?). Beginning of the fifties 395. Testimonial for Joachim Raff. Beginning of the fifties. 396. Dr. Eduard Hanslick in Vienna. January 31st, 1856. 397. Minister von Bach in Vienna. September 18th 398. ? in Leipzig. Spring, 1859 399. Dr. Eduard Hanslick. September 24th, 1859


1. To Dr. Franz Brendel

[Rome,] December 20th, 1861

Dear Friend,

For the New Year I bring you nothing new; my soon ageing attachment and friendship remain unalterably yours. Let me hope that it will be granted to me to give you more proof of it from year to year.

Since the beginning of October I have remained without news from Germany. How are my friends Bronsart, Draseke, Damrosch, Weissheimer? Give them my heartiest greetings, and let me see some notices of the onward endeavors and experiences of these my young friends, as also of the doings of the Redactions-Hohle [Editorial den] and the details of the Euterpe concerts.

Please send the numbers of the paper, from October onwards, to me at the address of the library Spithover-Monaldini, Piazza di Spagna, Rome. Address your letter "Herrn Commandeur Liszt," Via Felice 113. "Signor Commendatore" is my title here; but don't be afraid that any Don Juan will stab me—still less that on my return to Germany I shall appear in your Redactions-Hohle as a guest turned to stone!—

Of myself I have really little to tell you. Although my acquaintance here
