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قراءة كتاب Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
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Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
their breastworks and fortifications, but nothing of them, with the exception of their rear guard of 5,000 men that was captured. We remained at Williamsport until the morning of the 15th, when the pursuit commenced. Orders were read to the troops to prepare for hard marching. The weather was intensely hot, almost suffocating, and the roads very muddy. We marched that day 14 miles, passing through the villages of Fairplay and Donaldsville. The march was very severe, especially for the new troops. Twenty from the 3d Corps fell out, exhausted, and died by the road; several were sunstruck. At three o'clock the troops halted in the vicinity of Sharpsburg until morning, the men nearly played out. Muskets were stuck in the ground and shelters fastened upon them, to protect the men from the rays of the sun. Tired and weary they threw themselves upon the ground and most of them were soon asleep. Pickets were placed as usual, until the next morning, when the army was again in motion, marching that day 15 miles, encamping in Pleasant Valley, near Harper's Ferry, remaining until the afternoon of the next day, the rain pouring in torrents. The weather was very uncertain, one day very warm, the next rainy and cold.
On the afternoon of 17th, the column marched eight miles, very slowly, passing Sandy Hook and crossing the Potomac at Harper's Ferry on pontoons. For the first time our regiment trod the sacred soil of Virginia. Alas! how few returned of that noble band of Jersey boys, the bravest of the brave, that for the first time stood on that once sacred, but now polluted, ground. The ravages of war had laid the country waste, and destitution everywhere met the eye. An old dilapidated bridge crossed the Shenandoah, and the troops marched over in single file, moving around Louden Heights. The night being very dark and the march very slow, they halted in a field at 12 o'clock until morning. The next day was Sunday, but there was no rest—no such thing as Sunday in the army. The regiment was detailed as rear guard of ammunition train, marching eight miles, the sun being very warm, and the heat almost insufferable, encamping with the main body of the corps in a field near Keys Pass. The heat was so intense that neither army could march fast. The rebels were now but one day's march from us, we having taken a nearer route by way of Harper's Ferry, marching down the Louden Valley, the enemy marching down the Shenandoah.
The Summer campaign had thus far been an active one, and by the new troops was considered wonderful. The rebel army was still moving southward by slow marches, from eight to fifteen miles per day, the weather too hot to permit marching faster, the Potomac Army in pursuit. Lee, as wily and strategic as ever, refused to give battle, and, by a series of maneuvers, succeeded in eluding our grasp. The different corps marched by different routes, the cavalry frequently skirmishing with their rear guard. But five miles were made on the 19th, as the troops were waiting for supplies, passing through Snickersville, near Snicker's Gap, and encamping in a field. At midnight we were routed out for rations and a good supper issued. At four o'clock we were ordered to move, marching fourteen miles before breakfast, halting at noon for dinner. After resting an hour orders were given to move again, marching three miles to Upperville, encamping on the ground where Buford had a cavalry fight with the rebel leader, Stuart, the year previous. For several hours skirmishing was kept up until dark, when Buford ordered a charge. Stuart was driven from the field, retiring in the darkness of the night, leaving his dead and wounded in our hands. The troops remained at Upperville two days, the regiment being detailed for picket the ensuing night. It was now rumored that Grant, the hero of Vicksburg, was to take command of the army, Gen. Meade being too slow for the people North. Had they been in the Potomac army, they would not have been so eager to move, and march in the hot sun. Upperville is a small village near Manassas Gap. The people, as a general thing, are very ignorant, and gazed with wonder at us Yanks, as they called us. One remark, especially, was amusing to the men. As the regiment was passing an old house, being an advance guard, a little girl came running in, exclaiming, "Mother, mother, take in your clothes, here comes the Yanks!" This served as a bye-word for some time, the men often exclaiming, as they passed a house, "Take in your chimney, old man, its going to rain!" At four o'clock on the afternoon of the 22d, orders came to fall in, marching six miles to Piedmont station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. At the commencement of the war this road was destroyed by the rebels; ties were burned, rails bent, bridges demolished, and wrecks of cars lay strewed around in various places. The troops encamped on a hill until morning. Gen. Meade received information that Ewell's corps was holding Manassas Gap, until the main body of the rebel army had passed. Orders were given Gen. French to take the 3d corps and, if possible, drive them from their position. At daylight the next morning the corps started, with nothing to eat, as the rations had not arrived. It was deemed necessary to drive the rebels from the gap, and the men were compelled to go. The sun was very warm, and the troops, hungry and weary, plodded on, marching fourteen miles, halting for a rest at noon. At three o'clock the column advanced in line of battle, the cavalry returning, having engaged the enemy during the morning, but could do but little without infantry. Manassas Gap is a wild, romantic spot, and very hilly. The brigade was formed and maneuvered in line of battle; Berdan's sharpshooters were deployed as skirmishers and soon engaged the enemy on Whopping Heights. Orders were given the men to load and fix bayonets, some time being occupied in getting into position, marching up hill and down. It was now supposed by the men that a battle was to be fought. Our brigade was placed in position and ordered to charge the enemy. The skirmishing now became heavier, and the sharp crack of the sharpshooter's rifle could be distinguished from the rest. The men from the 14th now thought they were to see their first battle, and grasping their muskets with a steady nerve, moved forward. Fortunately we escaped for the time. Fearing a flank movement, the order for the 1st brigade to charge was countermanded, and they were sent to the extreme right of the line to protect the flank, through a dense wood of briars and filled with ditches. The firing on the left and centre now became heavier. Sickels' old brigade, now commanded by Gen. Spinola, was ordered to charge in place of the 1st brigade, which proved a success; two hundred prisoners and two guns were captured from the enemy. Gen. Spinola was wounded and retired from the field. Our loss in killed and wounded was but sixty men. Night was now approaching; the main body of the rebel army had passed; the firing ceased, and the enemy were retreating in haste. The weather suddenly changed, and the night was chilly and damp. The regiment encamped on the side of a hill, without blankets, and with nothing to eat; tired and weary, the men were soon asleep. At daylight the bugle aroused the men from their slumbers. No traces of the enemy could be seen; maneuvered up hill and down in line of battle during the morning, when the troops were ordered back to Piedmont; the remaining corps were encamped there awaiting supplies. During the march to Manassas Gap, the troops waded five streams, some of them waist deep, passing a village called Markham. The afternoon of the 26th the column moved back the same road, fourteen miles, to Piedmont, the weather intensely hot and the men falling out by the way. They were two days without anything to eat but green grapes and berries that grew by the roadside; this was the hardest march the men had had so far. Arriving at Piedmont, rations