70. |
Cirolana borealis. About Twice Natural Size |
219 |
71. |
A, Front Part of Body of a Prawn (Spirontocaris polaris), from Above, showing on the Right Side a Swelling of the Carapace caused by the Presence of the Parasite Bopyroides hippolytes in the Gill Chamber; B, the Female Parasite extracted and further enlarged; C, the Male Parasite on Same Scale as the Female |
222 |
72. |
A Fish-louse (Caligus rapax), Female. × 5 |
225 |
73. |
Stages of Development of Lernæa branchialis. F is Slightly, the Other Figures greatly, enlarged |
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74. |
Stages of the Life-history of Hæmocera danæ, One of the Monstrillidæ |
229 |
75. |
Free-swimming Stages of Sacculina carcini. Much enlarged |
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76. |
Early Stage of Sacculina within the Body of a Crab |
234 |
77. |
Rostrum and Fore Part of Carapace, seen from Above, of (A) Red-clawed Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis) and (B) White-clawed or English Crayfish (Astacus pallipes) |
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78. |
The Common Shrimp (Crangon vulgaris). Natural Size |
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79. |
The Norwegian Deep-water Prawn (Pandalus borealis), Female |
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80. |
The Gribble (Limnoria lignorum). Much enlarged |
254 |
81. |
Restoration of a Trilobite (Triarthrus becki), showing the Appendages. Upper Side on Right, Under Side on Left. Slightly enlarged |
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82. |
Ceratiocaris papilio, One of the Fossil Phyllocarida |
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83. |
Pygocephalus cooperi, from the Coal-measures: Under Side of a Female Specimen, showing the Overlapping Plates of the Brood-pouch |
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84. |
The Tasmanian "Mountain Shrimp" (Anaspides tasmaniæ), a Living Representative of the Syncarida. Slightly enlarged |
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85. |
Præanaspides præcursor, One of the Fossil Syncarida, from the Coal-measures of Derbyshire. Slightly enlarged |
265 |
I. |
Male and Female Lobsters, showing the Difference in the Relative Breadth of the Abdomen in the Two Sexes. This Figure also illustrates the Dissimilarity of the Large Claws, and the Fact that the "Crushing Claw" may be on either the Right or Left Side of the Body. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
26 |
II. |
Apus cancriformis from Kirkcudbrightshire. Slightly enlarged |
36 |
III. |
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Group of Specimens of the Goose Barnacle (Lepas anatifera), One showing the Cirri extended as in Life. Natural Size. (From Brit. Mus.