Group of a Common Species of Acorn-shell or Rock Barnacle (Balanus balanoides). Natural Size
} |
42 |
IV. |
Penæus caramote, from the Mediterranean. About Half Natural Size. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
57 |
V. |
The Common Spiny Lobster (Palinurus vulgaris). Much reduced. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
59 |
VI. |
Munida rugosa. British. Reduced |
60 |
VII. |
The Common Hermit Crab, Eupagurus bernhardus, in the Shell of a Whelk. Reduced. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
62 |
The "Northern Stone Crab," Lithodes maia. Much reduced. The Last Pair of Legs are folded out of Sight in the Gill Chambers. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
63 |
IX. |
{ |
The Common Shore Crab (Carcinus mænas). Reduced Dromia vulgaris, carrying on its Back a Mass of the Sponge, Clione celata. British. Reduced |
} |
68 |
X. |
Calappa flammea. Brazil. Reduced |
72 |
XI. |
The Giant Japanese Crab, Macrocheira kæmpferi. Male. The Scale of the Figure is given by a Two-foot Rule placed below the Specimen. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
76 |
XII. |
Squilla mantis, from the Mediterranean. About One-half Natural Size. (From Brit. Mus. Guide |
82 |
{ |
A Swimming Crab, Portunus depurator. British. Reduced A Spider Crab, Maia squinado, dressed in Fragments of Weeds. British. Reduced |
} |
96 |
XIV. |
{ |
Corystes cassivelaunus. Male (on Left) and Female (on Right). British. Reduced Albunea symnista, One of the Hippidea. Indian Seas. Reduced |
} |
100 |
XV. |
{ |
Ocypode cursor. West Africa. Reduced Gelasimus tangeri. Male Above, Female Below. West Africa. Reduced |
} |
104 |
XVI. |
A Deep-sea Hermit Crab, Parapagurus pilosimanus, sheltered by a Colony of Epizoanthus. From Deep Water off the West of Ireland. Slightly reduced |
124 |
A Deep-sea Prawn, Nematocarcinus undulatipes. Slightly reduced. (From Brit. Mus. Guide) |
128 |
Bathynomus giganteus. About One-half Natural Size. (From Lankester's "Treatise on Zoology," after Milne-Edwards and Bouvier) |
131 |
XIX. |
{ |
Latreillia elegans, One of the Dromiacea which esembles a Spider Crab. From the Mediterranean. Natural Size The Gulf-weed Crab, Planes minutus. Slightly enlarged |
} |
155 |
XX. |
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