tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">55. Clay nucleus in base mould, with beginning of spiral building; a stage in the formation of a Zuñi vessel; after Cushing.
56, 57. Variations in a motive through the influence of form. Pueblo pottery; after Holmes.
58. A. Freehand form; B. Form imposed by fabric. Forms of the same motive expressed in different arts; after Holmes.
59. Design of Fig. 60; after Holmes, from Mason.
60. Ancient Pueblo vase, Province of Tusayan. The height and width of the vase are fourteen inches; after Holmes, from Mason.
61. “Unit of the Design” of Fig. 60; after Holmes, from Mason.
62. Modern Moki rain symbol; after Holmes.
63. Decorative detail from an ancient Pueblo medicine-jar; after Holmes.
64. Rain-cloud tile of the South House in a Tusayan ceremony; after Fewkes.
65. Zuñi prayer-meal-bowl; after Cushing.
66. Tracing of a landscape etched on a bamboo tobacco-pipe in Berlin; three-eighths natural size. (Original.)
67. Sketch of Mer (Murray Island) by the author, from the south-west-by-west, showing the hill Gelam.
68. Pueblo water-jar; after Cushing.
69. Design based on a palmito leaf, Bakaïri tribe, Central Brazil; after Von den Steinen.
70. Rough sketch of the Egyptian lotus (Nymphæa lotus); after original drawings by Professor Goodyear.
71. Sketch of the Indian lotus (Nelumbium speciosum); after Description de l’Egypt: Histoire Naturelle, from Goodyear.
72. Lotus flowers and bud painted on the coffin of a mummy from the Necropolis of Thebes, Twentieth Dynasty; after Prisse d’Avennes.
73. Lotus flower with two leaves, on a vase, from the Necropolis of Memphis, Fourth to Fifth Dynasties; after Prisse d’Avennes.
74. Lotus border; from Goodyear, after Prisse d’Avennes.
75. Lotus scroll detail on a Melian vase; from Goodyear, after Conze.
76. Pattern from the ceiling of a tomb, Necropolis of Thebes. Eighteenth Dynasty; from Coffey, after Prisse d’Avennes.
77. Pattern from the ceiling of a tomb, Necropolis of Thebes, Eighteenth to Nineteenth Dynasties; from Coffey, after Prisse d’Avennes.
78. Pattern from the ceiling of tomb No. 33, Abd-el-Kourneh, Thebes; Seventeenth to Twentieth Dynasties; from Coffey, after Prisse d’Avennes and Goodyear.
79. Pattern from the ceiling of a tomb from Thebes, Seventeenth to Twentieth Dynasties; from Coffey, after Prisse d’Avennes.
80. Anthemion and astragal moulding from the Lât at Allahabad; from Birdwood, after Fergusson.
81. Saracenic Algerian detail; from Goodyear, after Ravoisié.
82. Ionic capital of the eastern portico of the Erechtheium.
83. Early form of Ionic capital from Neandreia; after Clarke.
84. Lotus design from a “geometric” vase from Cyprus; after