1875 |
Jeffreys, Archibald |
The Religious Objections |
1840 |
” |
Alcoholic Wines |
1845 |
Jenkins, E. |
The Devil’s Chain |
1876 |
Jerrold, D. |
Cakes and Ale |
1852 |
Johnson, J. |
Laws and Canons |
1720 |
Jole, W. |
Warning to Drunkards |
1680 |
Jones, A. |
The Dreadful Character of a Drunkard |
1660 |
Junius, R. |
The Drunkard’s Character |
1638 |
Kempe, A. J. |
Losely MSS. Illustrative of English Manners |
1835 |
Kennet, Bishop |
Parochial Antiquities |
1695 |
Kerr, Dr. N. |
The Action of Alcoholic Liquors |
1876 |
” |
Intemperance and its Remedy |
1878 |
” |
Diseases from Alcohol |
1882 |
” |
The Truth about Alcohol |
1884 |
” |
Numerous Articles and Lectures |
— |
Kester |
De immoderatâ Adbibendi consuetudine |
— |
Kirton, J. W. |
Intoxicating Drinks |
1879 |
Knight, T. |
Pomona Herefordiensis |
1809 |
Lacey, W. J. |
The Case for Total Abstinence |
1889 |
Lamb, C. |
Essays of Elia |
1833 |
Lambarde, W. |
Lamentable Complaints |
1641 |
Lankester, Dr. E. |
On Food |
1861 |
Larwood, J. |
History of Signboards |
1866 |
Lees, Dr. F. R. |
History of the Wine Question |
1840 |
” |
Essays on the Temperance Question |
1853 |
” |
Agreement for Legislative Prohibition |
1856 |
” |
Science Temperance Text Book, &c., &c. |
1884 |
Lawson, Sir W. |
Numerous Articles, Lectures, Parliamentary Speeches, &c. |
— |
Lemerry, L. |
Treatise of Foods and Drinkables (Translated by Dr. D. Hay) |
1745 |
Levi, Leone |
On the Wine Trade and Duties |
1866 |
” |
Consumption of Spirits |
1872 |
Levison, J. L. |
Hereditary Tendency of Drunkenness |
1839 |
Lewis, David |
Britain’s Social State |
1872 |
” |
The Drink Problem, and its Solution |
1883 |
Lightbody, J. |
The Gauger’s Companion |
1694 |
Livesey, J. |
Lecture on Malt Liquor |
1832 |
” |
Reminiscences |
1867 |
Lucas, Dr. T. P. |
The Laws of Life and Alcohol |
1877 |
Lupton, D. |
The Country Carbonadoed |
1632 |
Lash, W. J. H. |
Chronic Alcoholism |
1873 |
Macdonald, G. B. |
Apology for the Disuse of Alcohol |
1841 |
Macnish, R. |
Anatomy of Drunkenness |
1834 |
Macpherson, D. |
Annals of Commerce |
1805 |
Macrae, D. |
Dunvarlich |
— |
Madox, T. |
History of the Exchequer |
1769 |
Madden, F. |
Privy Purse Expenses of Queen Mary |
1831 |
Madden, R. H. |
Stimulating Drinks |
1847 |
Maffei, Scipio |
De Compotationibus Academicis |
— |
Maguire, J. F. |
Father Mathew |
1863 |
Malcolm, J. P. |
Manners and Customs of London |
1811 |
Maltman, J. |
Teetotalism |
1889 |
Marchant, W. T. |
The Praise of Ale |
1888 |
Marcet, W. |
On Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication |
1862 |
Markham, J. |
English Housewife |
1683 |
Martyndale, H. F. |
Analysis of the Calendar |
— |
Mayor, Prof. J. E. B. |
Modicus Cibi |
1880 |
Miller, Rev. J. |
The Coffeehouse |
1737 |
Miller, Dr. J. |
Alcohol, its Place and Power |
1861 |
Mills, J. |
The Merrie Days of England |
1859 |
Misson, M. |
Memoirs and Observations |
1719 |
Morewood, S. |
History of Inebriating Liquors |
1838 |
Moxon, H. E. |
The Laws Affecting Publicans |
— |
Mudie, R. |
Babylon the Great |
1824 |
Mudge, Dr. H. |
Nature and Obligations of Temperance |
1862 |
Muirhead, J. P. |
Drinking Songs |
1875 |
Mulder, Prof. C. J. |
Chemistry of Wine |
1857 |
Munroe, Dr. H. |
Alcohol not Food |
1867 |
Myrc, John |
Liber Festivalis |
— |
Nash, Th. |
Pierce Pennilesse |
1595 |
Nichols, John |
The Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, James I., &c. |
1788 |
” |
Illustrations of Manners and Expenses |
— |
Nichols, J. G. |
London Pageants |
1837 |
Norris, Edw. |
Establishment of the Household of H. Algernon Percy |
1770 |
Nott, Dr. |
Lectures |
1863 |
Obsopœus, Vinc. |