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Jean-Yves Ponce

حياة الكاتب :
Jean-Yves Ponce is author, entrepreneur, librarian and memory expert. He created the most important website in France on memory techniques : Potiondevie.fr. He developed new techniques to greatly improve one’s memory power.
Why such a passion for memory ? Simply because Jean-Yves is convinced that having a good memory can change anyone’s life. Imagine that you could memorize in a breeze any kind and any quantity of information, such as : long texts, new languages, every professional information useful to you, people you meet… Your memory is the foundation of your knowledge, your ability to transmit it to your beloved ones, to learn, to become an expert in what is meaningful to you.
Since 2011, Jean-Yves Ponce helped more than 40 000 students, C.E.O, executives, political figures, students and actors to “solve” their memory problems. Considered as “the French memory genius”, Jean-Yves shares his best techniques in his new best-seller : “Boostez votre Mémoire : mémorisez l’impossible en vous amusant”.