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Review of Manufacturing Processes

Review of Manufacturing Processes

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كتاب "Review of Manufacturing Processes" ، تأليف : اسامة محمد المرضي سليمان ، نقرأ من الكتاب :

Manufacturing processes are the steps through which raw materials are transformed into a product. The manufacturing processes can be broadly classified into three categories viz. shaping, joining and finishing processes as shown schematically in Fig 1. The selection of a particular process from a wide range of choices for a given application requires a hierarchical classification of the processes. For example, Fig 2 depicts how the shaping family can be expanded in different classes such as casting, deformation, moulding, composite and powder processing, and prototyping. Next, moulding as a class can be enlarged into a number of member processes such as compression, rotational, transfer, injection moulding, etc. Lastly, each member process can be identified with a number of attributes, which would facilitate the selection of a member process for a given material, dimension, level of requisite tolerances and so on. Similarly, Fig 3 depicts how the joining and machining family can be expanded in different classes and actual processes.