حياة الكاتب :
الأستاذ بن موسى محمد المهدي
مهندس دولة في الاعلام الآلي منذ 2008 مطور برامج لأكثر من ستة سنوات مكون سابق في المدارس الخاصة في نفس التخصص
حاليا أستاذ التعليم الثانوي لمادة المعلوماتية (علم الكمبيوتر) في الجزائر منذ 2016.
كتاب "Review of Manufacturing Processes" ، تأليف : اسامة محمد المرضي سليمان ، نقرأ من الكتاب :
Manufacturing processes are the steps through which raw materials are transformed into a product. The manufacturing processes can be broadly classified into three categories viz. shaping, joining and finishing processes as shown schematically in Fig 1. The selection of a particular process from a wide range of choices for a given application requires a hierarchical classification of the processes. For example, Fig 2 depicts how the shaping family can be expanded in different classes such as casting, deformation, moulding, composite and powder processing, and prototyping. Next, moulding as a class can be enlarged into a number of member processes such as compression, rotational, transfer, injection moulding, etc. Lastly, each member process can be identified with a number of attributes, which would facilitate the selection of a member process for a given material, dimension, level of requisite tolerances and so on. Similarly, Fig 3 depicts how the joining and machining family can be expanded in different classes and actual processes.
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