قراءة كتاب The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires In Which Is Handled the Most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the Intire Substance of Lead, Was in One Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon, with an Exceeding Small

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‏اللغة: English
The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires
In Which Is Handled the Most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the Intire Substance of Lead, Was in One Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon, with an Exceeding Small

The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires In Which Is Handled the Most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the Intire Substance of Lead, Was in One Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon, with an Exceeding Small

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 3

various Herbs, gathered always three dayes before full Moon, for the cure of Jasons aged Father; partly also those Leaves, by the tast of which, the nature of Gaucus was changed into Neptune; partly also the Exprest Juice of Jason, by the benefit of which, he, in the Land of Cholcons, received the Golden Fleece, afterward by reason of that, compleatly armed, he fought in the Feild of Mars, not without the hazard of Life; partly also the Garden of the Hesperides, where Golden Apples may be gathered from the Trees; partly also Hippomenes running for the Mastery with Atalanta, and staying her Course, and so overcoming her with three Golden Apples, the Gifts of Venus; partly also the Aurora of Cephalus, partly also Romulus transformed by Jupiter into a God; partly also the Soul of Julius Cæsar, by the Goddess Venus, transfigured into a Comet, and placed among the Stars; partly also Python, Juno's Serpent, arising out of the putrid Earth (after Deucalions Flood) made hot by the Rayes of the Sun; partly also the Fire, with which Medea kindled seven Lights; partly also the Moon, inflamed by the burning of Phæton; partly also the Withered Olive Branch, a new; flourishing and bearing Fruit; yea, becoming a new and tender Olive Tree; partly also Arcadia, where Jupiter was wont to walk; partly also the Habitation of Pluto, at the Gate whereof lay the Three-headed Cerberus; & also partly that Mountain, where Hercules burned all his Members, received from the Mother, upon Wood, but the Parts of the Father remained Fixed, and incombustible in Fire, and nothing of his Life was destroyed, but he, at length, was transmuted into a God. Likewise we will not forget those Germans, the Sons of true Philosophers, who entred into a Country-house, at length transformed into a Temple, whose Covering was made of pure Gold. Certainly, I cannot choose, but must yet once more with acclamation, say with the Adept: O happy, and thrice happy is that Artificer, who by the most merciful benediction of the highest, Jehovah pursues the Art of Confecting, and preparing that (as it were, Divine) Salt, by the Efficacious Operation of which, a Metallick, or Mineral body, is corrupted, destroyed, and dyes; yet the Soul thereof is in the mean while revived, to a glorious Resurrection of a Philosophick Body. Yea, I say, most happy is the Son of that man, who, by his Prayers, obtains this Art of Arts, unto the glory of GOD. For it is most certain, that this Mystery can be known no other way, unless it be drawn and imbibed from GOD, the Fountain of Fountains. Therefore, let every serious Lover of this inestimable Art judge, that the whole work of him required, is, that he constantly, with the prayer of true faith, in all his labour, implore and solicite the Divine Grace of the Holy Spirit. For the solemn manner of GOD alone is, candidly and liberally, either mediately or immediately, to communicate his gifts and benefits, to none, unless to candid and liberal Ingenies only. In this holy way of practical Piety, all Inquisitors of profound Arts, find what they seek, when they, in their work, exercise themselves Theosophically by solitary Colloquies with Jehovah, with a pure Heart and Mouth, religiously. For the Heavenly Sophia, indeed, willingly embraces our friendship, presenting, and offering to us, her inexhaustible Rivolets, most full of gracious goodness and benevolence. But, happy is he, to whom the Royal way, in which he is to walk, shall be shown by some One expert in this Arcanum.

I seem to presage to my self, that I have not equally satisfied all Readers in this Preface; but it is, as if I did presume to teach them an Art, unknown to my self; yet I hope better of the greatest part of them. For my intention was, only to relate to you a certain History. Therefore, Drink, my Friends, of the following Dialogue, or Springing Colloquy, presented by me, wishing you well, that thence you may satisfie, and allay all the Thirst of your Thirsting Minds: for I doubt not in the least, but that this Study of Divine Wisdome, will be more sweet to you, than Nectar and Ambrosia. No other will I communicate, no other have I common, then that of Jul. Cæs. Scaliger: The End, of Wisemen, is the Communication of Wisdome: according to that of Gregory Nyßen: He who is Good, in Nature, the same very willingly communicates his Goods to others. For it is the part of good Men, to be profitable to others.


Divers Ilustrious men have written touching the Verity of this Arcanum, among these, take the Sayings of some of them, as follows.


In his Book Of the Signature of Natural things.

The Tincture of Naturalists, is a, true sign, that by the transmutative virtue thereof, all imperfect Metals are changed, viz. the White into Silver, and the Red into the best Gold, if an exceeding small part of this Medicine well prepared, be injected upon the Metal, while in flux in a Crucible, &c.

The same.

For the invincible Astrum of Metals overcomes all things, and changeth into a Nature like it self, &c. This Gold and Silver is more noble, and better, than those, which are dug out of Metallick Mines; for Medicinal Arcanums to be prepared therefrom.

The same.

Therefore, I say every Alchimist, which hath the Astrum of Gold, is able to tinge all Red Metals into Gold, &c.

The same.

Our Tincture of Gold hath Astrums in it self, is a Substance most fixed, and in multiplication immutable. It is a Powder, haveing a colour most red, almost like Saffron, yet its whole Corporal Substance, is liquid as Rosin, perspicuous as Crystal, brittle as Glass, of the colour of a Rubie, and exceeding poaderous, &c.

Also read Paracelsus his Heaven of Philosophers.

Likewise, Paracelsus his Seventh Book, Of the Transmutation of Natural things.

Transmutation is a great natural Mystery, Metallick, and not contrary to the Course of Nature, nor repugnant to the Order of GOD, as many men of it do falsly judge. For imperfect Metals, are changed neither into Gold, nor into Silver, without this Stone of Philosophers.

Paracelsus, in his Manual of the Medicinal Stone of philosophers.

Our Stone is a Celestial, and more than perfect Medicine, because it cleanseth all the impurities of Metals, &c.


In his Amphitheatre of Eternal Sapience.

I travelled long, invited others, who knew somewhat by experience, and could with very firm judgement conjecture; and this not alwayes in vain. Among which, I call God to witness, by his wonderful ordination, I, from one, received the Green Catholick Lyon, and the Blood of the Lyon, viz. Gold, not the Vulgar, but of Philosophers, with my Eyes I saw the same, with my hands, I handled it, and with my Nostrils, smelt the odour thereof. O how wonderful is God in his Works! They, I say, gave those Gifts prepared, which I in most desperate Cases, used with admirable success to the benefit of my needy Neighbour. And (by Instinct of Jehovah's mercy) they sincerely revealed to me, the wayes of preparing, &c.

The same.

