قراءة كتاب The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires In Which Is Handled the Most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the Intire Substance of Lead, Was in One Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon, with an Exceeding Small

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires
In Which Is Handled the Most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the Intire Substance of Lead, Was in One Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon, with an Exceeding Small

The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires In Which Is Handled the Most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals; viz. How the Intire Substance of Lead, Was in One Moment Transmuted in Gold-Obrizon, with an Exceeding Small

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 6
Holy, Holy, Holy
is the Lord our
GOD, for all
things are full of
his Power.
Leo: Libra. II.
The wonderfull
wisdome of JEHOVAH
in the Catholick
Book of
Nature. Made the
26. day Aug. 1666. [Alchemical symbols: Gold, Mercury, Silver]
The wonderfull
GOD, Nature
and the Spagyrick
Art, make
nothing in vain. Sacred, Holy Spirit
Away Devil,
Speak not of
GOD without
Light, Amen. The Eternal Invisible,
only wise,
Best of all and omnipotent
GOD of
Gods; Holy, Holy,
Holy, Governour &
Conserver deservedly
ought to be praysed.

Moreover, when I, affected with admiration said to him; My Master, I pray tell me, where had you this greatest Science of the whole World? He answered, I received such Magnalia from the Communication of a certain Extraneous Friend, who for certain dayes lodged in my House, professing, that, he was a Lover of Art, and came to teach me various Arts; viz. how, besides the aforesaid, of Stones and Crystal, most beautiful precious Stones are made much more fair than Rubies, Chrysolites, Saphires, and others of that kind. Also how to prepare a Crocus Martis in a quarter of an hour of which one only Dose infallibly heals a Pestilential Dysentery Likewise a Metallic Liquor, by the help of which, every species of the Dropsy may be cured certainly in four dayes space Also a certain Limpid Water, more sweet, than Hony, by the help of which, I can extract the Tincture of Granates, Corals, and of all Glasses blown by Artificers, in the space of two hours in hot sand only. Many other things like to these he told me, which I neither well observed, nor committed to memory; because my intention was: carryed further, viz. to learn the Art of pressing that so noble juice out of Metals for Metals; but the Shadow in Waters deceived the Dog of his piece of Flesh, which was substantial. Moreover, this Artist told me that his Master, who taught him this Art, bad him bring Glass full of Rain water, with which he mixed a very small: quantity of a most white pouder; commanding me, (here the Disciple of that Master proceeds in his Discourse) to go to the Silver-Smith, for one ounce of Cupellate Silver, laminate, [or beat very thin,] which Silver was dissolved in a quarter of an hour, as Ice in hot water. Then he presently gave to me one half of this potion, by himself so speedily made, to drink; which in my mouth tasted as sweet Milk, and I thence became very cheerful.

He having related these things, I ceased not to enquire of him, to what end he had instanced this? Whether the Potion was Philosophick? To this, he answered, You must not be so curious.

Afterward, he told me, how he, by the command of that Laudable Artist his Master, took a piece of the Leaden gutter of his house, and when the Lead was melted in a new Crucible, the said Artist drew out off his pocket a Gasket full of Sulphureous Powder, of which, he took a very small part upon the point of a knife, once, and again, and injected the same; upon the Lead in Flux; presently. giving order, that the fire should be blown with two pair of Bellows strongly, for exciting the heat more vehemently; a little after he powred out of the crucible, most pure Gold, upon the Red stones, which were in the Kitchen.

I (said this most pleasing discourser to me) did commodiously behold this verity of the Transmutation of Metals, but was so astonished with fear and admiration, that I was Scarcely able to speak one word; But my Master heartning me, said; Cheer, up and be contented: take for your self a sixteenth part of this Mass, which keep For a Memorandum; but the other fifteen parts distribute to the poor: and I did as he said.

For, (if my memory deceive me not) he bestowed this exceeding great Alms, on the Sparrendamen Church; but whether, he gave it at distinct times Or not, or whether he told it down in the Substance of Gold, or of Silver, I asked him not.

And at length (saith he speaking of his Master) he directly taught me this great divine Art.

Therefore, the; Narration of all these things being ended, I most humbly entreated him, that he would shew me the effect of Transmutation upon impure Metals, that I thence might have the better assurance of those things by him related to me, and my Faith being confirmed, securely give credit to the real Truth of the matter. But he very discreetly gave me the repulse; yet taking his leave of me, he promised to return again after three Weeks, and then shew to me certain curious Arts, by Fire, as also the way of projecting; making this Provisoe, if it should then be lawful for him. The three Weeks being elapsed, according to his word, he Came to my House, and invited me to walk abroad with him for one hour, or two, as we both did, having in that Time Certain, Discourses of the Secrets of Nature in the fire, but in the mean while, this well spoken Companion in the way, was not lavish, but rather too sparing of his words, touching the great Secret; affirming, that this singular Mystery tended not, but to the alone magnifying of the most illustrious Fame of the most glorious God; and that very few men considered, how they might; condignly Sacrifice; themselves by their Works to so great a God uttering these Expressions no otherwise, then as if he had been a Pastor of the Church. But I, in the mean time, fayled not to solicit him, to demonstrate to me the Transmutation of Metals. Moreover, I beseeched and intreated him, to vouchsafe to eat with me, and to lodge in my house, urging him with such Earnestness, as no Rival, or Lover, could ever use more perswasive Words, for winning his beloved to a willingness of gratifying him above all others: but he, agitated by a Spirit of so great constancy, made void of all I endeavoured. Nevertheless, I could not choose but speak to him thus: Sir, You see I have a very convenient Laboratory, in which you may shew me the Metallick Transmutation. For whosoever assents to him, that asketh, obligeth himself to him. It is true (answered he) bit I made a promise to you of imparting some things with this Exception, if at my, Return, I be not interdicted, but have leave to do the same.

All, and every of these, my requests being in vain, I instantly, and earnestly besought him, that (if he would not, or by reason of the Heavenly Interdiction could not demonstrate what I asked) he would only give me so much of his Treasure, as would be sufficient for transmuting four grains of Lead into Gold. At this my request, he, after a little while, pouring forth a Flood of Philosophick Mercy, gave a small particle, as big as a Rape-Seed, saying: Take of the greatest Treasure of the World, which very few great Kings, or Princes could ever see. But I, saying my Master, this is so small particle perhaps will not be sufficient for tinging four granes of Lead. He answered; Give it me. I, accordingly gave it him, conceiving, good hope of receiving somewhat a greater particle instead thereof; but he breaking off the one half almost of it with his thumb-nayl, threw it into the fire, and wrapping the other up in blew paper, he gave to me, faying, It is yet sufficient for thee.To which, I with, a sad Countenance and perplexed Mind, answered: Ah Sir! What mean you by this? Before I doubted, and now I cannot believe, that so small a quantity of this Medicine will suffice for transmuting four grains of Lead; O, said he, if you cannot rightly handle your Lead in the Crucible, by reason of the so very small quantity thereof then take two drams, or
