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قراءة كتاب The Crest of the Continent A Summer's Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond

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‏اللغة: English
The Crest of the Continent
A Summer's Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond

The Crest of the Continent A Summer's Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4

Sal. Crossing the Green River. Wonders of Erosive Work. An Indian Tradition. The Marvelous Cañons of the Colorado.

303 XXXIII—Crossing the Wasatch. The Tall Cliffs of Price River and Castle Cañon. Castle Gate. The Summit of the Wasatch. “Indians!” San Pete and Sevier Valleys. “Like Iser Rolling Rapidly.” Through the Cañon of the Spanish Fork. Mount Nebo. 312 XXXIV—By Utah Lakes. Rural Scenes Beside Lake Utah. Spanish Fork, Springville, Provo and Nephi. Relics of Indian Wars. Pretty Fruit Sellers. First Sight of Deseret and the Great Salt Lake. Ogden and Its History. 317 XXXV—Salt Lake City. Sunday in Salt Lake City. The Tabernacle and the Temple. Early Days in Utah. Shady Trees and Sparkling Brooks. Social Peculiarities of the City. Mining and Mercantile Prosperity. Religious Sects. Schools and Seminaries. 324 XXXVI—Salt Lake and the Wasatch. The Ride to Salt Lake. A Salt Water Bath. Keep Your Mouth Shut. The Shore of the Lake. An Exciting Chase. A Trip to Alta. Stone for the Temple. An Exhilarating Ride. 335 XXXVII—Au Revoir. At Last. On Jordan’s Banks. Chum’s Grandfather. Let Every Injun Carry his Own Skillet. The Parting Toast. Good-Night. 342


Garfield Peak Frontispiece.
Denver 17
Depot at Palmer Lake 20
Phœbe’s Arch 21
Monument Park 24
In Queen’s Cañon 28
Cheyenne Falls 31
In North Cheyenne Cañon 34
A Glimpse of Manitou and Pike’s Peak 37
The Mineral Springs 40
Pike’s Peak Trail 45
Rainbow Falls 49
Garden of the Gods 53
Entrance to Cave of the Winds 57
Alabaster Hall 62
Veta Pass 67
Crest of Veta Mountain 69
Spanish Peaks from Veta Pass 75
Sangre de Cristo Summits 78
Sierra Blanca 83
Ojo Caliente 86
Embudo, Rio Grande Valley
