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قراءة كتاب European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae

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European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae

European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 10

hollow, white with dusky fibrils.

grammopodium, Bull. P. 7-12 cm. camp. conv. then depr. umb. glabrous, ruddy then pallid; g. arcuato-adnate, crowded; s. 7-10 cm. stuffed, coarsely striate, glabrous, pallid; sp. 7-8 × 4.

[strictipes, Karst. P. soft, gibbous, plane or depr. white or yellowish-white, centre often tinged; g. closely crowded, shining white, entire; s. solid, equal, cylindrical, base usually thickened, straight, white, glabrous; sp. 6-9 × 4-5.

brevipes, Bull. P. 3-6 cm. brown then pale, glabrous, convex then plane; g. crowded, tinged fuscous then pale; s. 2-2.5 cm. solid, rigid, brown outside and inside; sp. 7 × 4.

humile, Pers. P. 5-8 cm. umb. then convex or depressed, even, glabrous; g. crowded, ventricose; s. 3-5, greyish white, villosely pulverulent, stuffed; sp. 7-8 × 5.

Differs from T. brevipes in pale stem and tufted habit.

exsiccum, Fr. P. 3-5 cm. exp. then umb. greyish brown then hoary; g. crowded, narrow, pure white; s. 2-3 cm. solid, glabrous, rather shining; sp. 6-7 × 4.

subpulverulentum, Pers. P. 2-3 cm. greyish white, pulverulent, convex then depr. even, extreme edge persistently incurved; g. crowded, narrow, white; s. 3-4 cm. solid, whitish, slightly striate; sp. 5 × 3.

[persicinum, Fr. P. obtuse, even, glabrous, flesh-colour then pale; s. cartilaginous, glabrous; g. arcuate, white.

[Juranum, Q. Obtuse, rufous then pale, white-floccose, margin crenulate, mealy; g. white, crowded; s. solid, white, apex mealy.

  • ** Gills violet, grey or smoky.

    [urbum, Fr. P. campan.-exp. brownish black with bluish tinge, subumb., margin straight; g. densely crowded, like flesh, bluish white; s. incurved, fibrillose, bulbous.

    sordidum, Fr. P. 2.5-7 cm. plano-depr. subumb. glabrous, brownish lilac then dusky; g. rounded, dingy violet then dusky; s. 4-5 cm. coloured like p. fibrillosely striate, slightly curved as a rule; sp. 7-8 × 3-4, minutely rugulose.

    Differs from T. nudum in being smaller, tougher, and hygrophanous.

    var. Feuilleauboisii, Lucand and Quel. The broadly gibbous p. and s. dark umber; g. deep violet.

    paedidum, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. soon depr. round conical umbo, smoky grey, somewhat streaked; g. crowded, adnexed, narrow, white then greyish; s. 2-3 cm. dingy grey, slightly striate base thickened; sp. 10-11 × 5-6.

    Differs from T. sordidum in having no trace of violet colour; T. lixivium differs in the free truncate gills.

    lixivium, Fr. P. 5-8 cm. greyish brown, soon plane and umb. margin expanded, membranaceous, striate; g. truncato-free, grey; s. 5-6 cm. grey, whitish floccose, often flexuous; sp. 7 × 4-5.

    [rasile, Fr. Soft. P. campan.-exp. umb. fibroso-virgate, undulate, fuliginous; g. connected by veins, greyish-umber, edge white floccose; s. equal, fibrillose.

    [favillarum, Fr. P. exp. depr. round umbo, even, glabrous, moist, edge spreading, even, whitish when dry; g. closely crowded, greyish.

    putidum, Fr. Smell strong, rancid. P. 2-3 cm. umb. even, soft, olive grey, hoary when dry; g. adnexed, crowded, grey; s. 2-3 cm. greyish, pruinose; sp. 8-10 × 3-5.

    Coll. rancida differs in glabrous, rooting stem.

    [hospitans, Fr. Shining white, campan. obtuse, even, edge straight, adpressed to stem at first; g. free, very ventricose; s. solid, fibrous, glabrous, apex pruinose.

    Resembling a Mycena but s. solid and fibrous.

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