قراءة كتاب Motion Picture Operation, Stage Electrics and Illusions A Practical Hand-book and Guide for Theater Electricians, Motion Picture Operators and Managers of Theaters and Productions

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‏اللغة: English
Motion Picture Operation, Stage Electrics and Illusions
A Practical Hand-book and Guide for Theater Electricians,
Motion Picture Operators and Managers of Theaters and

Motion Picture Operation, Stage Electrics and Illusions A Practical Hand-book and Guide for Theater Electricians, Motion Picture Operators and Managers of Theaters and Productions

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 1

Please see the Transcriber’s Notes at the end of this text.

Books by
Horstmann & Tousley

Motion Picture Operation, Stage Electrics and Illusions. $2.00
(Ready July 1, 1914.)
Alternating Current Theory, Practice and Diagrams. $2.00
Modern Electric Illumination. $2.00
Practical Armature and Magnet Winding. $1.50
Modern Electrical Construction. $1.50
Electrical Wiring and Construction Tables. $1.50
Dynamo Tending for Engineers. $1.50
Modern Wiring Diagrams and Descriptions. $1.50
Electricians’ Operating and Testing Manual. $1.50

Motion Picture Operation

A Practical Hand-book and Guide for Theater
Electricians, Motion Picture Operators and
Managers of Theaters and


Henry C. Horstmann
Victor H. Tousley

Authors of

“Alternating Current,” “Modern Wiring Diagrams,” “Modern
Electrical Construction,” “Electrical Wiring and Con-
struction Tables,” “Practical Armature and Magnet
Winding,” “Electricians’ Operating and Test-
ing Manual,” “Modern Illumination.”


Coat of arms



In this volume the authors have attempted to lay before the Motion-Picture Operators and Theatrical Employes generally, a reference and handbook making a specialty of electrical requirements about theaters.

A working knowledge of electricity in general is assumed, and therefore elementary ideas have been treated sparingly. A specialty, however, has been made of all matters peculiar to theaters, and it is thought that theater electricians will find in this volume everything that they need whether they be operating motion-picture machines or switchboards in first-class houses.

The two special chapters “Portable Stage Equipment” and “Theater Wiring” have been arranged so that they are particularly valuable for reference. They should be consulted before undertaking any electrical construction work, either for the stage or for the auditorium. These chapters embody all of the practical knowledge that has come to the notice of the authors in many years of actual experience with theatrical construction.

The aim of this volume has been to present in a simple and practical way the essential principles of Motion-Picture Work.

The Authors.

Table of Contents

Chapter I
The Electrical Circuit and Electrical Hazards 9
Chapter II
The Arc Lamp 19
Chapter III
Projection 31
Chapter IV
Motion Pictures 55
Chapter V
The Motion-Picture Machine 62
Chapter VI
The Film 89
Chapter VII
General Hints on Installation, Operation and Care of Machines 96
Chapter VIII
Light 113
Chapter IX
Principles of Vision public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@45231@[email protected]#Page_122" class="pginternal"
