قراءة كتاب An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly

تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"

‏اللغة: English
An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly

An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 4
                           worde  fyste  write    a lefe
                           mot,   puing, escript, feullet,

whiche be all synguler nombres: and if ye do adde a z, at the latter ende of them, than are they plurell nombres, as

                          motz, puingz, escriptz, feulletz:

and than shall ye nat sounde the letter before the sayd z, redynge

                          mos,  puins,            feullés.

And lyke wise whan a worde hath a p, or b, in the myddes endyng the syllable, ye shall leaue them unsounde, as in these wordes and suche lyke,

                         dewtie,   dette,   to write,
                         debuoir,  debte,   escripre:
ye shal rede             deuoir,   det,     escrire.

But whan they do begyn the worde or the syllable, than shall they be pronounced, as these wordes,

                         putte away  debated  to breke
                         deboute,    debatu,  debriser,  etc.


There is two maner of wordes harde for to be pronounced in french. The fyrst is written with a double ll whiche must be souned togider, as lla, lle, lly, llo, llu, as in these wordes,

                      gave    cutte   gader   lefe    bayly  fayle
                      bailla, tailla, ceulle, feulle, bally, fally,

                      white     knele         a tymer hamer  full of leaves
                      moullet,  engenoullet,  mallot,        feullu, houllu.

The seconde maner harde to pronounce ben written with gn, before a uowell, as gna, gne, gni, gno, gnu. As in these wordes

                     wan     dyd blede  lyne    combe   vyne    scabbe  felowe
                     gagna,  saigna,    ligne,  pigne,  uigne,  tigne,  compagne,

                     swell    wanton   wanton
                     laigne,  mignon,  mignarde,

ye shal except many wordes that be so written and nat so pronounced, endyng specially in e, as

                     worthy  swanne  hyghe corage
                     digne,  cigne,  magnanime,  etc.

They that can pronounce these wordes in latyn after the Italians maner, as (agnus, dignus, magnus, magnanimus) have bothe the understandyng and the pronouncynge of the sayde rule and of the wordes. Ye shall fynde many suche among the nownes, uerbes, and adverbes that herafter be folowynge, the whiche shall have the double l, thus written ll, besyde the word and gn, besyde the tother.


the heed or chyfe
le chief
the scoull
la teste
the heeres
les cheueulz

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womens heares
les tresches

the busshe
la cheuelure

the perwyke
la perrucque

the heares
ll. la cheuechalle

the forhed
le front

the temples
les temples

the browes
les sourcilz

the visage
le visage

the berde
la barbe

the face
le viaire

the face
la face

the eye or eyes

the eyes
les yeux

the lydde
la paulpiere

the lyddes
les paulpieres

the ball of the eye
la pupille

the nose
le naes

the nose thrilles
ll. les narilles

the chekes
les joes
the nether chekes
les bajoes

the eare

the eares
les oreilles

the mowth
la bouce

beastes mowthe
la geule

the lyppes
les leures

the tonge
la langue

the rouf of the mowth
le palais

ou palet

the teeth
les dentz

the gommes
les genciues

the jaws
les machoires

the inward jawes
les mandibulles

the chynne
le menton

the throte bo?te
le gosier

the gorge
la gargate

the gorge
la gorge

the necke
le col

the knot of the neck
le neu du col
the hole of the necke
la fosse du col

the kenel of the necke
la canol du col

the sholder

the armes
les bras

the elbowe
la coude

the elbowes
les coudes

the fyste
le puing

the fystes
les puingz

the hande
la main

the handes
les mains

the bat of the hande
le dos de la main

the balle of the hande
la paulme

the balles
les paulmes

the finger
le doigt

the fingers
les doigz

the thombe
le poulce

the thombes
les poulces

the jointe
la joincte

the joyntes
les joinctes

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the naile

the nayles
les ongles

the brest
la poictrine

the forke of the brest
la fourcelle

the breste
la mamelle

the brestes
les mamelles

the body
le corps

the wast
le fauz du corpz

the holes under the armes
les esselles

the bely
le uentre

the nauyl
le nombril

the backe
le dos

the chyne

the rayns
les rains

the buttockes
les fesses

the buttocke
la fesse

the hippe
la hanche

the hippes
les hanches

the grynes
les ames
the nether beerde
la penilliere

the thighe
la cuisse

the thighes
les cuisses

the knee
le genouil

the knees
les genoulz

the hamme
le jaret

the hammes
les jaretz

the legge
la jambe

the legges
les jambes

the chyne boone
la greue

or the backe of
ou le dos de

the legge
la jambe

the calfe of the legge
le pomeau

the ancle
ll. la cheuille

the ancles
ll. les cheuilles

the hele
le talon

the foote
le pied

the feetes
les piedz

the back of the foote
le dos du pied
the soole
la plante

the sooles
les plantes

the great too
le graunt orteil

the toes
les orteilz


