قراءة كتاب An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly
تنويه: تعرض هنا نبذة من اول ١٠ صفحات فقط من الكتاب الالكتروني، لقراءة الكتاب كاملا اضغط على الزر “اشتر الآن"
اللغة: English

An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly
الصفحة رقم: 7
the chyne
the rybbes
les costes
the necks
le colet
the trotters
les trottins
the lambe
gn. lagneau
the heed
la teste
the gader or nombles
la couree
the skynne
la piau
the ramme
le belin
the ewe
la brebis
the he gotte
le bouc
the she gotte
la chieuure
the swyne or hogge
le pourceau
the boore
le uerrart
the boore
le uer
the wylde boore
le senglier
the sowe
la truye
le cochon
the egle
the tercell
the tercell
the tercell
ll. esmerillons
the thrusshe
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the cocowe coucou cocowe cocou glede mellans puttockes escoufles the blewe kyte faulz perdrier bussardes busartz bruhiers bruhiers greater than the egle uoultoires the ducke oule le duc chahuan the oule le chahuan the lytell oule la chouette the ravyn le corbiau the crowe la cornaille the highwale lespec the unthatche le picmars the dawe le canne the pye la pie the pye lagace the jaye le jay |
the henne la poulle the henne le geline the chekyns les poucins the cocke le coc the capon le chappon the partryche la perdris the yong partryches les pertriaus the fesaunt le faisant the dove le coulomb the rynged dove le ramier the stocke dove le creuset the turtle dove la tourtrelle the pygions les pigeons the cormorande le cormorain the wodcocke la becasse the quayle la quaille the larke lalouette the plouuer le pluuier the lapwyng le uaniau |
the crane la grue the bustarde lautarde the pecoke le paon the swanne le signe the goose louoye wylde souuage tame domenche the barnacle le barnacle the gander le jar the goslynges les oisons the heyron le heron the shoveler le trublet theggret laigret the byttour le buto the storke la cigoin the malarde le malard the malarde le canart the ducke la canne the ducke lanette |
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the ducklyns les annetons the coote la joudelle the coote la blarie the teyle le cercelle the starlyng lestourneau the star lesprohon the felde fare la griue the osyll le merle the sparowe le passereau the sparowe le moisson the fynche le pinchon the blewe back and redbrest la pioue the wagtayle la bergieronnet the wagtayle le hochecul the grene fynche le frion the grene fynche la verdiere the gold fynche la cardinotte the lynnet la linotte the coldmouse la messange |
the nyghtyngale gn. le rossignol rocyn redbrest la robaille the wrenne le rotelet FRUTES. cherys cherises small cherys guingues great cherys gascongnes small cherys merises [missing] cormes [missing] sorbes raspyse franboises gose berrys groiselles strawberys freses apples pommes perys poires plummes prunes dampsons prunes de damas peches pesches mulberys moures |
melons melons gourdes gourdes coucumbers coucombres granades grenades orenges orenges openarses mesles medlers neffles chestayns gn. chatangnes walnottes nois fylberdes nois franches small nottes noisettes WHYT MEATES. custardes dariolles flawnes flans tartes tartes pasteys pastés frytters bignetz VENESON. the harte le cerf |
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the hynde la biche the bucke le dain the doe la daine the robucke le saillant the robucke la capreolle the robucke le cheuriau the hare le leure the watte le leurart the conys les connis the rabettes les lapriaus the rabettes les lapins FYSHES. alose or shaddes aloses eeles ll. anguilles whelkes balaines barbyls barbeaus base bars breames bresmes pykes brocetz |
carpes carpes haddockes cableaus myllers thombes caboceaus congers congres coccles cocques crabbes crabbes dogge fysshe chien de mer cheuyns chieuennes shrimpes creuettes porpasse daulphin sturgyons esturgeons smeltes espelans creuice deau douce escreuice goienne gougeons crevyce of the see houmars whyte heryng harenc blanc reed heryng harenc sor lampreys lamproiez loches loches |
makerell macreaus muskels moulles whytynges melans mullettes muletz the see swyne marsouin oysters hiutres perches perces plaise plais ray or thornbacke rayes roches roches husses roussettes rochettes rougetz salmons saulmons solles solles tonyne toninnes tenches tences gournardes tumbes trowtes treute turbottes turbot |
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