align="left">Shelly, David B., R. No. 2, Elizabethtown
Silin, I. J., Echo Mountain, Fairview |
Smith, Dr. J. Russell, 550 Elm Ave., Swarthmore |
Southampton Nurseries, Southampton |
Stoebener, Harry W., 6227 Penn. Ave., Pittsburgh |
Theiss, Dr. Lewis E., Bucknell University, Lewisburg |
Waggoner, Charles W., 432 Harmony Ave., Rochester |
*Wister, John C., Clarkson Ave. and Wister St., Germantown |
Wood, Wayne, R. No. 1, Newville |
Wright, Ross Pier, 235 West 6th St., Eric |
**Allen, Philip, 178 Dorance St., Providence |
R. I. State College, Library Dept., Green Hall, Kingston |
Pereda, Celedonia V., Arroyo 1142, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Bregger, John T., Clemson |
Bradley, Homer L., Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge, Martin |
Chase, Capt. Spencer B., Hqs. Det. Sta. Camp, Camp Tyson |
Kirk, Charles H., Oak Ridge |
Howell Nurseries, Sweetwater |
McDaniel, J. C., P. O. Box 331, Brownsville |
Rhodes, G. B., R. 2, Covington |
Zarger, Thomas G., Norris |
Carroll, Y. D., 2093 McFadden St., Beaumont |
Florida, Kaufman, Box 154, Rotan |
Price, W. S., Jr., Gustine |
Oleson, Granville, 1210 Laird Ave., Salt Lake City, 5 |
Petterson, Harlan D., 2164 Jefferson Ave., Ogden |
Aldrich, A. W., R. No. 3, Springfield |
*Ellis, Zenas H., Fair Haven |
Foster, Forest K., West Topsham |
Acker, E. D., Co., Broadway |
Brewster, Stanley II., "Cerro Cordo," Gainesville |
Burton, Geo. L., 728 College St., Bedford |
Carey, Graham, Fair Haven |
Dickerson, T. C., 316 56th St., Newport News |
Gibbs, H. R., McLean |
Johnson, Dr. Walt R., 2602 B. Monument Ave., Richmond |
Landess, S. S., 2103 N. Quantico St., Arlington |
Lewis, Pvt. Hewlett W., H. & H. Co., 938 Engr. Avn. Cam. Bn., A. A. B., Richmond |
Morse, Chandler, Valross, R. No. 5, Alexandria |
Nix, Robert W., Jr., Lucketts |
Peters, John Rogers, P. O. Box 37, McLean |
Pertzoff, Dr. V. A., Carter's Bridge |
Stoke, H. F., 1420 Watts Ave., Roanoke |
Stoke, Dr. John H., 408-10 Boxley Bldg., Roanoke |
Varcity Products Co., 5 Middlebrook Ave., Staunton |
Webb, John, Hillsville |
Zimmerman, Ruth, Bridgewater |
Altman, Mrs. H. E., Cedarbrook Nut Farm, Nooksack |
Barth, J. H., Box 1827, R. No. 3, Spokane |
Carey, Joseph E., 4219 Letona Ave., Seattle |
Clark, R. W., 4221 Phinney Ave., Seattle |
Denman, George L., 1319 East Nina Ave., Spokane |
Ferris, Major Hiram B., P. O. Box 74, Spokane |
Kling, William L., R. No. 2, Box 230, Clarkston |
Linkletter, F. D., 8034 35th Ave. N. E., Seattle |
Lynn Tuttle Nursery, The Heights, Clarkston |
Martin, Fred A., Star Route, Chelan |
Naderman, G. W., R. No. 1, Box 370, Olympia |
Shane Bros., Vashon |
Wilson, John A., East 1517 16th Ave., Spokane |
Cannaday, Dr. John E., Charleston General Hospital, Charleston |
Hoover, Wendell W., Webster Springs |
Slotkin, Meyer S., 1671 6th Ave., Huntington, 1 |
Aoppler, C W., Box 239, Oconomowoc |
Bassett, W. S., 1522 Main St., La Crosse |
Dopkins, Marvin, R. No. 1, River Falls |
Downs, M. L., 1024 N. Leminwah St., Appleton |
Koelsch, Norman, Jackson |
Zinn, Walter G., P. O. Box 747, Milwaukee |
*Life Member
**Contributing Member
Article I
Name—This Society shall be known as the Northern Nut Growers Association, Incorporated.
Article II
Object—Its object shall be the promotion of interest in nut-bearing plants, their products and their culture.
Article III
Membership—Membership in this society shall be open to all persons who desire to further nut culture, without reference to place of residence or nationality, subject to the rules and regulations of the committee on membership.
Article IV
Officers—There shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting; and a board of directors consisting of six persons, of which the president, the two last retiring presidents, the vice-president, the secretary and the treasurer shall be members. There shall be a state vice-president from each state, dependency, or country represented in the membership of the association, who shall be appointed by the president.
Article V
Election of Officers—A committee of five members shall be elected at the annual meeting for the purpose of nominating officers for the following year.
Article VI
Meetings—The place and time of the annual meeting shall be selected by the membership in session or, in the event of no selection being made at this time, the board of directors shall choose the place and time for the holding of the annual convention. Such other meetings as may seem desirable may be called by the president and board of directors.