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قراءة كتاب Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism

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‏اللغة: English
Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism

Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism

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دار النشر: Project Gutenberg
الصفحة رقم: 9

tel que le Gouverneur a dû prendre les plus grandes précautions pour empêcher le massacre de tous les habitans.


Constantinople, December 6, 1843.

A young Greek turned Turk in a moment of ill temper; having come to himself, he went to a priest and evinced a desire to return to his faith. The priest, approving his intention, told him that he must repair his fault by a public retractation of his error. The young man, who was twenty-two years of age, did as he was ordered. Forthwith the Turkish authorities lay hold of him and shut him up: this happens in the neighbourhood of Brussa. The transaction is reported to Constantinople: here, notwithstanding the French and English notes, &c., a Council is held, and the order to execute him is sent off, and in fact this unfortunate person was publicly hanged at Biligik fourteen or fifteen days ago. The effect which this event produced on the Turkish inhabitants of the place has been such that the Governor has been under the necessity of taking the greatest precautions to prevent the massacre of all the inhabitants.

Inclosure 3 in No. 13.

Sir Stratford Canning to M. Pisani.

Sir, Buyukderé, December 16, 1843.

It is with sentiments of deep concern that I have received unquestionable intelligence of another religious execution, similar in principle to that of the Armenian Avakim. In stating this circumstance without delay to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, you will lay before his Excellency the substance of the two accompanying papers, which contain a relation of the principal facts. You will express the surprise and disappointment which I feel in the contemplation of so revolting an act, after the very distinct communications which had recently taken place between his Excellency and myself respecting the previous case. A full knowledge of the sentiments entertained by Her Majesty's Government, and also by four other leading Cabinets of Europe, has not to all appearance prevented the Porte from again publicly outraging the principles of humanity, and again exposing herself to the just animadversion of those friendly Powers.

Under these circumstances, and referring to the instructions of my Government already communicated to Rifaat Pasha, I deem it an indispensable duty to invite the explanations of the Porte, and to state my expectation that the Turkish Government will not only declare its regret for the two executions in suitable terms, but that it will accompany the declaration with an assurance, admitting of no question for the future, that effective measures will be immediately taken to preclude the recurrence of such unwise and odious acts.

You will conclude by leaving with Rifaat Pasha a copy of this instruction, and by calling upon his Excellency to lay it before the Sultan, and to apprize you on an early day of the answer sanctioned by His Majesty, for the information of my Government.

I am, &c.,


No. 14.

M. Guizot to Count Ste. Aulaire.—(Communicated by Count Ste. Aulaire to the Earl of Aberdeen, January 13.)

(Extract.) Paris, le 9 Janvier, 1844.

Malgré les promesses formelles de la Porte, et les mesures qu'elle disait avoir prises pour empêcher le renouvellement du douloureux scandale auquel avait donné lieu, il y a quelques mois, l'exécution d'un Arménien supplicié pour être revenu à la religion Chrétienne après avoir embrassé l'Islamisme, un Grec des environs de Brousse vient encore d'être mis à mort dans des circonstances absolument semblables. Interpellé à ce sujet par M. de Bourqueney, la Porte n'a su alléguer pour se justifier que des malentendus et des méprises dont les allégations même sont contradictoires. Un tel fait n'est plus seulement un outrage à l'humanité, c'est une insulte jetée à l'Europe civilisée par le fanatisme d'un parti que le Gouvernement Ottoman n'a pas le courage de contenir et de réprimer, à supposer qu'il n'en soit pas lui-même le complice dans une certaine mesure. Ce courage, il faut le lui donner en lui faisant craindre d'encourir le sérieux mécontentement des Puissances dont l'appui bienveillant lui est si nécessaire.
